Monday, January 25, 2010

Today is a stay in my pj's day, I have taught courses the last 3 weekends in a row, these courses are on top of my regular class teaching schedule.

I am feeling a little low energy and will nap for sure, some laundry and light dusting, should make it an easy day. I will probably do some restorative yoga to help create energy in my body. Maybe I will do something I haven't done in years, watch some day time TV, I start classes at 5:30 tonight so technically am off for awhile.

In total on the weekend I did about 6 Pilate's Classes while teaching the course, plus the runs on Friday and Saturday, so rest is on my schedule today.

I weighed myself a couple of times last week, and was either 5lbs up or down, that shows me that whatever I am going through is water retention probalby caused by the fluctating hormones of a 49 year old.

I stuck to my non-slothful ways by grocery shopping, planning and cooking great meals on the weekend despite being busy and tired. After all most of us are busy.

Food Today

Breakfast - Protien Shake with frozen peaches, 1/2 banana, skim milk and flax seeds.
Snack - 1/2 banana, 8 to 10 nuts
Lunch - Mixed Greens Salad with tuna, a bit of grated cheese, yogurt dressing.
Dinner - Leftover chicken, sauted mushrooms, asian cabbage salad (almost a repeat of last nights dinner, just no potato.)


  1. I was in my pjs until 10 AM. If I had known that it was an official PJ day, I would not have bothered getting dressed.

  2. Correction: I didn't get dressed until 11 AM. I just looked at my watch and was shocked to see the time was 11:30. I guess when I'm having fun the morning just rushes by. I've been quilting.

  3. I got you beat I got dressed about 4:40 after I showered finally......
