Monday, May 3, 2010

Bricking and More

Last week was full and ended with an amazing workshop on Moving out of Pain, but I have a bit of a cold, so I am now convinced that since I have been sick 3 times in 2 months...I need a short holiday before Thailand, if I wait until July, I may just continue to be sick, my goal today is to figure out a rest period for my husband and I...

So first lets discuss "bricking", the art of transitioning from Bike to Road Running....many of the people in my life would wonder why cycling would not be enough....and think that running after must be the act of an insane woman who doesn't know how to slow down.

Misty threw out the suggestion and I thought why not....lets go for it, so we cycled 20k and then ran 4k. What a hoot, my legs felt like rubber, I was laughing my head off as I hobbled along Pearle St. wondering if I would fall or stay upright....up Cassels Rd. we went I needed a bit of a walk break, not much, and then we headed up to heart was pounding...another quick walk break for me ....somewhere in my head the thought popped in to do some triceps dips, so we did 45, ran a bit more then did 45 of this combo reverse/Ab Curl that is a killer, ran a bit more and then did 45 boy push ups.....what am amazing workout... I felt like singing "I am woman hear me roar" (this song really dates me). I soaked in a hot bath that afternoon and really felt great.

Later that evening I repeated the 4k run and the workout with my beginner running group and they loved it , they were begging to do it every time.....I needed another hot bath that night.

I ran a 4k trail run on Wednesday and went to a hot yoga class with Melissa, so Thursday was a well deserved no exercise day...although I taught 4 classes.

At some point during the week Misty sent me a link to a Duathalon in early September...hmmm..I am actually free that weekend and it is just before my big 50....what a great way to mind is still thinking about it but I must say it is drawing me in...I would have to rent a bike in Thailand but that might be great way to explore.

Friday I was in the city and the idea popped into my head....I should do a yoga class while I am here....I convinced Frank that an Ashtanga Level 1 class would be okay for us and we dropped into my fav studio in The Beaches, for a class with a renowned teacher. About 15 minutes into the class, a steady stream of sweat began to pour from Franks nose unto the mat, I couldn't help but was soooo fun watching him do this class...what a great sport he is.

The class was amazing and consisted of so many jump forwards into staff and then jumping back into plank that for some reason I found it funny....I kept thinking he is not going to make us do another one is he ? But he kept it going, one more and one more. His teaching ability was amazing, subtle cues and he had just a great energy. I think at one point he was laughing at how hard it was.

I have decided to take class with him every week as part of my training. I know that this guy can teach me and take me into postures that I am just about ready to do. Plus I love the Beaches and will look forward to my Friday afternoons there. I used to ride my bike to the Beaches with friends when I was a kid, it has been one of my fav places forever.

I came home Friday just in time to teach my first Shakti Shake Class.....a flow yoga class that is fun and challenging. At one point I looked up at the young women in the class and sweat was pouring down their faces...they loved it, I was very glad that I did all the spinning, running and cycling this year so I was in good enough shape to teach that class and still give instruction's nothing worse then trying to teach a class and your voice sounds winded.... LOL...

While all this activity may make me sounds hard core or Type A, I am not...I spent the weekend doing this very gentle therapeutic yoga course, just lying the floor breathing and moving very little and I loved it. Today I will stay in my pj's for a long time as I recover from such a full week and plan my weekend away with Frank.

One more thing, last night I was out and one of my male friends called me skinny......while this is far from where I am or would even want to be, it means that my weight loss is showing, I have had quite a few comments lately about losing weight....since weight loss is one of my goals I am pleased to hear these comments. Soon I will have Misty do my measurements.....maybe after another bricking/push up session.

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