Monday, May 17, 2010

Am I a Creeper

I have written before that I really enjoy my female friends, I am fiercely loyal and not a gossip. So today when I found myself stalking a guy for my friend I will call Madame X...I wondered am I a creeper or a good friend.

Some background.....a very handsome man came into my studio, now this is a rarity....he appears to be a good looking single man walked into a room full of women...he stood out. I was probably not the only womenn wishing she had a little lipstick in her yoga pants.

But I am married so looking is as far as I go....but I did enjoy Madame X chatting this guy up, laughing and smiling and all that stuff.

I thought to myself what a great match....alas Mr. hot and single has not returned we have waited and watched but he has been a no show...but he hangs out at Starbucks on occasion. So today I decided I needed a latte and headed out in search of this first experience stalking and it was not even for me..does make me creepy to if I stalk for a friend ? Or am I just being a great friend.

How many lattes is it reasonable to drink on behalf or my friend ? And, should she be chipping in for their cost ? But most of all does this make me a creeper ?

1 comment:

  1. Nah not a creepy creeper but perhaps you'll need a new hobby before you get either the jitters or an ulcer from all the caffeine you are ingesting!
