Monday, January 30, 2012

It is said that a person's eyes are the gateway to their soul

It is said that a persons eyes are the gateway to their soul, by looking deeply into someones eyes you can often feel that soul connection. Often too you can feel their sadness .   I sometimes see great sadness in the people I know and love and I wish I could wave a magic wand and take it away from them, but the truth is, happiness is and always has been a choice you have to make. It's like the game show The Price is Right, when you wake up in the morning which door are you going to  choose ? The one that leads to happiness or the door(s) that lead to resentment, anger, envy or some of the other afflictions of the mind.

We live in a society where people go to great lengths to look great, and spend very little time nurturing their soul, developing happiness, contentment and other positive attributes. Mostly because I believe we have not been taught how to live a spiritual life. The schools don't offer it and for many the churches don't offer it either.

I recently heard on a radio  and advertisement for a website, the commercial was suggesting that you could hold a door open for someone to restore their/your faith in humankind. I listened to this incredulous commercial I  remember thinking as  that I have never lost my faith in human kind, i have doors help open for me all the time by the young, old. men, women and children. I am always grateful when someone holds a door for me, it is an act of kindness that I love. I would personally think if you need to restore your faith in mankind you need to look within and find out why you are so negative, there are kind people all around us, the world has it's problems no doubt, but look at all the great people trying to do something about it. 

The world has never been perfect, there is no going back to a better time, we are living in better times. This is why I love the quote "We are the people we are waiting for", it is a reminder to me that I/you can make a difference right here and now, we don't need a saviour or some great hero to do it. It is our responsibility, look at the story of Rosa Parks and know that anyone can make a difference.

I love the times we are living in, yes there is war but war has existed for a long time, but we live in a time of better acceptance, I get excited when gay couple gets married or when I see them being affectionate on a street, I was raised in a time when gays hid who they were, I have lived in a time when racism was rampant and open, men were allowed to hit their wives and children were beaten as a form of discipline. I for one, do not want to go back to the those days. Maybe rather then thinking we need to go back to family values we need to focus on the new family and what values we currently hold as important.

Every time I see a mixed race couple I remember how hard it used to be for mixed race couples, when I was 18 I dated and fell in love with someone who was not Caucasian, it was 1978 and I was  taunted on the streets and stared at on the transit system,  some family members and some of the parents of close friends shunned me. I remember being told I didn't  have to date him, as I wasn't fat or ugly, as the common belief back then was that only ugly white girls dated men of other nationalities. We were just two teenagers in love. Today I live in a community full of mixed race couples.

So it makes me happy when I see how far we have come, and I love that more and more people are becoming spiritual seekers, they are looking for something deeper, a better connection and they are flocking to Yoga and Buddhism, 12 step groups and more. Recognizing that you need a deeper connection is I believe one of  the first step towards happiness.

First you must realize that you are not alone, we are all connected and we are not meant to be islands of self sufficiency, we are meant to work, live and be together helping each other. It is when we think we are separate that we  become selfish and selfishness is a disease of the mind that wrecks havoc in relationships.

I have had a spiritual director for about 19 years now, and this relationship is one of the most important ones that I have, this man helps me walk through the maze of my mind and come out with clear, loving thoughts. I trust this man and love him, sometimes he is tough and other times gentle. To be honest he helps me cut through the bullshit of my mind. This important relationship is one of my keys to being happy.

Thirdly I love to read about great people, spiritual books and read quotes. i like to start my day reading something positive, something that will set my day on the right path.

I also work hard at forgiving myself and others, I try not to cling to the stuff that has hurt me, I talk about it, and then let it go.

I eat well, eating crappy food makes me tired and lethargic. I exercise, yoga, running, walking and more, my fit body moves easier, takes less energy and I love how I feel and look. What more can I say, exercise is awesome.

I am openly loving and affectionate with the people in my life, I tell them I love them and show it too.

When life gets busy I plan a retreat, I take time to pull away and be still and connect with God. 

I connect with God every day, I spend time in prayer and or mediation and feeling grateful.

I love my life.

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