So how is my weight coming along ?
I started this blog to track my weight loss and the journey to lose that extra weight I carry around.
My weight is maintaining, the extra lbs gained over Christmas are gone which makes me feel more comfortable in my body and now I am back to that next 10lbs... I haven't really been focusing on my food too much some days I don't eat enough other days maybe too much.
Today I thought I should get back on track because really if I don't focus on losing weight it just doesn't happen or my weight creeps up. Where energy flows energy goes.
I was really pleased with my progress up until Christmas where I seemed to get off track and since moving into the studio I am finding it hard to cook meals since I don't want strong smells.
Tonight I really wanted to have a good meal, cooked at home. I regretted eating out Monday night with Frank, I felt too sick to cook but ended up paying way too much for an average meal.
I opened the Fridge and saw scarcity.....I stood there hmmmm. One of the advantages of being my age and having cooked a lot is that I have a hard drive full of experince. After staring blanking at the fridge, opening drawers and sticking my head into the freezor a healthy meal started appearing in my mind.
I steamed baby carrots and green beans lightly I then added the green beans to a home made honey and garlic sauce. As well I sauteed shrimps in green pepper, onion, organic spinach and then added some left over tomato sauce from last week.
I boiled some whole wheat pasta, the shrimp dish will go on the pasta with a bit of grated Asiago cheese.
It turned out to be am amazing meal, low fat, healthy and full of colour, and only a fraction of the cost of eating out.
Frank walked the dogs in a local forest while I cooked dinner.
I love to cook from it like yoga to me , calming, real and one of lifes simpler pleasures
Simple is better right now.
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