Today I had my mugs shots/passport pictures more little step on the journey to Thailand.
I also committed to trail run Thursdays with a great friend, I love this guy. He is a very long time friend and no matter what I say, he can always guide me back to the quiet place, where answers come from. He is light and fun....he thinks I will be helping him lose weight...I think he will be helping me stay true to my soul. He has these great expressions and will always remind me to pray or connect with a power greater than myself. He is also one of the funniest people I know, so his insights are full of humour, often about himself. We used to run together but then he met a woman and falling in love took up all his time, I was thrilled for him and they now live together. Recently he retired so once again has time..
Funny I was just saying to a student this morning I don't have anyone right now in my life that is really spiritualy wise, and suddenly my friend Dan and I connect and we make plans to trail run on Thursdays.
Misty would call this instant Karma.
Food Today
Breakfast - chocolate protien shake - yikes I slept in, this cold has kicked the crapola out of me.
Snack - Kasha Bar
Lunch - Sushi Rolls
Dinner - Whole Wheat Raviolli in a low fast alfredo sauce......I will throw in some ograinic spinah and steamed carrott slivers.
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