Friday, March 12, 2010

Living in the Day

I consider my self a fairly spiritual person, my life is far from perfect, but I live with a great deal of awareness of my actions and thoughts. I generally know what my intentions are when doing something. I have a fairly good grip on who I am as a person, I know my weaknesses I know my strengths. I work hard at not letting my petty weaknesses take over. It has taken me a lot of hard work and years to get to this point, a place where I can say I like who I am, despite the fact that I sometimes mess up big or react poorly. I accept being human.

I enjoy my life and my business, it is sometimes hard to separate the two because so many great people have walked in the front door of my studio and become my friends.

Never would I have thought that owning a small business in Brooklin could have brought so much joy to my life. If someone had have told me 10 years ago, that one day I would be a full time yoga teacher I would have laughed so hard. My goal back then was definitely corporate, making more money and bringing in bigger and better clients was always on my mind. How can I make more money ? how can get better clients ? These questions were always on my mind.

Sitting on the floor teaching yoga...a great stress reliever but not a way to earn a living.

I have often spoken about my life and said, that, if I had planned my life I would have set my expectations allot lower. I try as much as possible to go with the flow and jump through the doors that open unexpectedly even if I feel a little nervous or perhaps terrified.

Jumping through these doors has taken me down a path so different from where I thought I would be at this stage of my life, but it has been sometimes a very scary path with a great deal of uncertainly and a lot of blind faith. There have been times when I have thought I must be insane I would look back to the corporate world as a safe place to run back too.....

Last night I was teaching prenatal yoga, and I was just enjoying the moment. As corny as it may sound sharing this time with women is really an honour, it took me back to my early years when I personally struggled so hard with the decision to have a child or not. I was so unhappy at the time I couldn't have imagined being able to be a good mother.

They all have a story, one of my students tried for years to have a baby she ended up going to fertility clinics and even then it took years, she is due in just a short time and I have never seen her more content. You just know she is grateful for this chance to be a Mom.

Another is having her first child with her child hood sweet heart, they met in grade 8 and have been friends ever since. Her story I find so simple and so different than mine and it fascinates me.

A couple of months ago I was having lunch with my daughter and she said to me that I have had a hard life, she is young and I guess she sees my past demons and my divorce in this manner. She said it with a great deal of compassion, she loves me and it is obvious to me that she loves me.

I prefer to think of my life as a creation of the universe. A sculptor starts with a huge block of stone and then chips away great portions of it, he then smooths then polishes it and in the end you have a a piece of art. I am still in the chipping away stage, no where near being polished and or ready to be considered art, maybe at the stage where you can actually see what the statue is going to be.

I am thankful for my life exactly as it was and as it is today.

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