Friday, August 21, 2009

Todays Wrap up

So day 3 ends, The afternnon went okay but I decided to drive because I am restless day 9 with vertigo, and I am still dizzy not as bad of course, I ended up going into work just to clear out my in box and such....I was starving so had a couple of unplanned cheese strings.

So my snacks today were; 6 almonds, a small box of raision, 2 cheese strings along with the apple and hazelnut. I forot to meditate over dinner but I did eat it slowly with my husband, eating and enjoying the company of people you love is a part of yoga as well.

Later he offered me some I just ate 3, very slowly savouring the chocolate and coconut....I actually felt quite content with the 3, no cravings for me, chocolate is not a huge weakness of mine.

I am going to post my hummus recipe this weekened sometime it is fast easy and great.

I think tomorrow will be good, I am going to try a short run and then I teach a course all weekend, sitting down and relaxing, I wrote the course and it is my first time teaching it, I am excited it is one of the more interersting ones, it is all yoga philosophy.

So for tomorrow I need to carry my food to work.

Breakfast - Rye toast, and peanut butter, sugar free Jam
Apple, Hazelnut butter
Lunch = Vegetarian Chilli, Organic Rye Toast,
Smack - Strawberries protien shake.
Dinner - Unplanned - not a good thing

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