Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Like a Bird on a Wire

For many reasons the end of the year seems to be one of great retrospection for thoughts seemed to drift to the past year, over and over again....there are some things I am really proud of and some things I am not so proud of...I sometimes wonder how at my age I can still make such utterly bad choices for myself.

Part of my spiritual life is to make amends for past mistakes...a sort of clearing out of the darkness....part of it also is to honor the good choices and growth that I have is always easier to focus on the dark rather then the light.

Last week I had lunch with a friend/vendor that I have known for a long time, we are close and he said to me that I have come full circle, that the events of the past year have taught me so much and as a result I am a better person. I wish becoming a better person wasn't so unbelievably painful. This man, Adil, had a very rough year too, for different reasons, yet over the past 6 months he has called to check in on me and has paid me commissions that I have felt I didn't deserve...I would tell him to stop paying me and he would say don't worry I budgeted for your commission, so take it. Those little commission cheques seemed show up just when I needed them. As a result of his kindness I asked him to be a supplier on a massive project I was recently awarded by an Ad Agency...if all goes well we will both make money off this project and it is a 5 year project. I can't think of anyone I would rather work on this project with

I saw a beggar leaning on his wooden crutch,
he said to me, "You must not ask for so much."
And a pretty woman leaning in her darkened door,
she cried to me, "Hey, why not ask for more?"

One of the people who really helped me this year was my lawyer Annalise, I met her at the studio and we became friends, she has an energy field that is just so good, she draws you in. Annalise helped me deal with some problems that arose and allowed me to run up a bit of a bill....which is now paid. This allowed me to focus on my business while she focused on some of my problems. Her advice was invaluable and she is a trusted friend and adviser.

If I have been unkind
I hope that you can just let it go by
If I have been untrue
I hope you know it was never to you

Misty was also one of those people who this year helped me quite a bit, working out with Misty is sometimes one of the few things I do just for me, I love it, as a result of working out with her my body has changed, it is toned, more shapely and I have lost 20lbs....but if it was just my body that had changed it would be a little shallow...Misty has become a good friend, she is one of those old souls, young but well grounded. She is enthusiastic, bright and uncomplicated....she inspires me with her youth and great plans, one day I am sure Misty will get all she wants in life. In her kind way she kicks my ass.

Like a bird on the wire
Like a drunk in a midnight choir
I have tried in my way to be free

My Father has also been a rock this year, what a year. He he lost his wife and best friend of almost 30 years, and was so sad, I would call him and I would cry for him when I got off the phone. He grieved Dianne like I have never seen so close up before. He and Dianne had a great marriage there was obvious love and respect between them, he adored her and had no problems showing it. I spent time with him this year and really got to know him better, he taught me strength of character, he is such a good man. During all this he called me almost every week to check up on me....he dropped in and took me out for dinner or coffee. I kept telling him not to worry but he wouldn't let me not accept his help he just kept calling.

Today I am going to journal on my year and write a list of the achievements and also of areas I need to change on this never ending path to growing up and become a good person.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

I am officially moved, it has been a long move, downsizing from a 5 bedroom house to the studio space....we have donated tons to charity and unfortunately almost as much to the dump...I have been living at the studio for about 1 1/2 weeks and my husband (Frank) joined me Friday night. It feels right being here, it already feels like less work. Tomorrow we buy Frank a snow-blower and he is set for the winter.

My food has been great, in fact I was down another lb last week, but am once again feeling bloated and puffy, we had several large dinners this weekend and one being a Christmas Party and the other being our move in celebration dinner, in the midst of boxes I cooked a Prime Rib for Frank, with about 6 different veggies. We were in a food coma when the door of the studio opened and our friend Monica popped in to drop off a tray of would have been impolite not to try some LOL....and I was hoping the sugar fix would shock my body out of the roast beef coma...but alas I just felt worse...I am not used to eating Beef/Sugar etc....what a price I paid.

I was however saved because earlier in the week my friend Cori-Ann and I had made plans to run, she, thank god showed up because I am sure I wouldn't have had the personal motivation to do it on my own. We ran 7k at a comfortable pace, it was sunny and not too cold. We ran along Way Street in Brooklin which is a really pretty route. After the first 10 minutes by body came out of the food hangover feeling and I felt great.

I have been thinking alot today about the past year, as 2009 ends I find myself in reflection, it was a year of polar opposites, incredible stress and great people coming into my life.

I said to my husband that in some ways it has been the best year yet, I could have done without the stress but as always I learned a ton about ME and knowing yourself is one of the biggest paths to freedom. I wonder if the lessons learned could have been easier but none the less they were important.

I have decided that over the next little while I will Blog about the people who most affected me this year...those people who either directly or indirectly brought learning into my life.

This year more than any other year I have felt great compassion welling up from in side of me, it felt like I discovered something deep inside of me that made me more tolerant and accepting...

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

How I lost 20lbs

My goal when I began this blog was to lose 10lbs for a photoshoot, I wanted to put that goal out there to the universe as a way of gaining the support that I needed. I didn’t lose the 10lbs for the photoshoot but I have lost it now….10lbs making my total weight loss 20lbs since March or April. This works out to about 2lbs a month…hmmmm isn’t that what “they” say is healthy.

I was reading something on yogic thinking and was reminded that setting deadlines for something to happen is not really the yogic way of thinking.

The theory is, that rather than deciding you want to lose weight by a specific time, you decide that you need to lose weight and need to make some changes in order to achieve the weight loss, the goal is to be healthier. So weight loss becomes a change in thinking rather than a forced event….I have forced myself to lose weight all my life, and it always came back, this time I just changed a few things and the weight came off.

Yoga is never about forcing always about moving forward in small increments, being gentle and honoring yourself along the way.

In fact, I have actually eaten more than I used to…yes more….I have always had this fearful relationship with food, I never really ate enough, nutritionists have told me that but I was afraid of eating more for the fear of gaining weight…..I messed up my metabolism…and paid the price.

Students keep asking me how I lost so much weight, they want the secret…and there is no secret, no gimmick….I just worked out consistently over a long period of time (almost 1 ½ years with Misty so far), I added more running to the mix and added more food, especially I concentrated on more protein, I did not eliminate carbs , I added more protein a huge difference…..for the first time in years my weight has steadily gone down with no jumps up, no 5lb weight gains over the weekend….no binging and I allowed myself the odd treat here and there…all in balance and moderation.

I am still planning on losing weight, I have no time frame or final weight goals, I just want to get into a better weight range….my prime weight that I seemed to be able to maintain in the old days is about 10lbs less and I know I will get there sometime in 2010. If the 2lbs a month continues I will be there in May….no it doesn’t really matter….my body will take me there if I listen closely to its needs.

In yoga we preach that the body is wiser than the mind, it will tell us when we are hungry, tired, thirsty…etc….really connecting to our body is so important.
I have really focused on that theory, if I was truly hungry I ate….real hunger not boredom pangs….I paid careful attention to my body…when I ate pizza before teaching (I am 2 minutes from a Pizza shop, so it is my lazy dinner), I felt crappy, the food seemed to sit undigested in my stomach…

I always eat before bed time, I come home at 10:00 at night having taught 2 to 3 classes I am hungry, my body needs something, so I eat a bowl of cereal.
I am not waiting for a diet to end this time I am living a great life and taking really good care of myself…this is something that I know I can maintain…this is the yogic way of life.

It has not been the easiest year of my life, in fact it has been a very hard year, but it has been a year of great personal learning and growth...I have changed so much this year, I am tougher but more compassionate...I take better care of myself, there are many changes I still need to make...but I have a feeling I will be led to those changes.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

My MoJo is back

When Katie wrote that my Mojo is back I had to laugh, I am 100% sure what Mojo means, I think she is is back, I am strong.

Recently I turned down an opportunity to expand my business, I decided I needed at least a year to do some personal stuff, like run more, lose more weight and not be in constant stress. This was big for me, I usually don't think about stress when I take on new ventures I have put myself under tons of pressure.

While I was out running I connected to my inner voice and that voice said...enjoy...relax..and stay focused...I have the most amazing inner voice that always guides me....I sometimes ignore it and listen to that crazy mind of mine. My mind will always push me harder and further.

In yoga we separate the mind from wisdom...we have 5 koshas or sheaths. The mind and wisdom are not one and the same. Wisdom is deeper then the mind, closer to the divine.

My yoga teacher uses an anology that I love. She says that the mind is like a snow globe that has just been shaken, flurries everywhere, yoga is what settles these flurries so that once again we can see clearly.

I have found that running has that same affect...often while I am running an answer will pop into my a question or situation that I was thinking about...but unsure of how to proceed.

I am looking forward to spending 2010 focus sing on healing from past stresses, taking amazing care of myself and planning my trip to Thailand.....

My business is doing well and I am really going to focus on the studio, as it seems to be this magical place where I meet amazing people. They just walk in the front door and become my friends...

On weight side, it has stayed the same for about 2 weeks but my bad food habits have been creeping back in...I have eaten Pizza 2 or 3 times in the last couple of weeks, I have been slacking, not planning and not grocery shopping for good food. I am going to focus back on the basics and see if I can knock off a few more lbs.

Breakfast Today
Brown Rice wrap, organic banana and peanut butter.
Run 6.22k
Snack - 1/2 mango protien shake.
Lunch - spinach salad, grated cheese, crumbled egg, spinach, mushrooms, bean sprouts.
Dinner - roast chicken, mini red potatos, carrotts, all roasted together...

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Last Nights Run

I am a runner, I have been for years, sometimes I have run a lot other times I run just a bit, in the 12 years I have been running I have never missed more than maybe 2 weeks.

I used to run 1/2 marathons, and then when I got busy with my business I scaled back to shorter matter what, I ran once a week just to keep my body connected with running...last spring I decided to run more again....I needed it back in my life..... running makes me feel young and alive (generally).

Unfortunately it wasn't as easily done as I thought, my weight was up from not running, I had Adrenal Fatigue which made for some very tired getting back into running has been quite a struggle...I think it has helped my adrenal fatigue and definitely it has contributed to my almost 20lb weight loss...

I must say as always the rewards come after the investment. For the last 6 months running has been a forced discipline, trying to get back what I had was hard...especially since the vertigo in August. Since August I had a couple of colds, some SI joint pain, and of course a hugely busy season at the studio.

I wondered if I was every going to feel that sense of freedom I even wondered if maybe it was time to give running up and move on...I am 49 and feeling some of the affects of aging.

It is back...... the last couple of weeks my running has been amazing...the old sense of freedom has returned.

I run for me and I run for the connection it gives me...last year I read 5 books by his Meditation book Osho wrote that running is one of the best forms of meditation, it raises your vibrational level and is rhythmic and calming...runners experience a connection with the universe..or what Osho calls the 4th dimension....sometimes they don't even know it, I have had tons or really neat experiences while running.

Last night was one of them...the full moon, the cool air made for the perfect running night, I could have run for ever....I felt alive...most of all it was the company running with a couple of neat women who are really starting realise the power of running on their soul....over the years I have taugth hundreds of women how to run..I love it...I love their stories, I love the power it seems to give them...I believe that running for many is healing, that Samskaras are released and that leads us one step closer to freedom...if you stick it out.

Cori Ann is one of those people, she shared her story last week of having Type One Diabetes since childhood and how that affected her as she was growing up...the fears and restrictions a disease can put in your life....last night she ran strong, having battled blood sugar issues in the beginning and the mental discipline it takes to get out the door, she had a great run...faster then her last 5k and matter what happens with her running she will never be the same again...

I am grateful to have had the opportunity share last night with Cori Ann.

Friday, November 27, 2009

The Dark Cloud LIfted

I have been too cranky to Blog all week, the dark cloud of hormones along with the grey dull weather, made for a tired Sheree. All week long I just kept thinking...... "this too shall pass", I am not going to feel like this raving maniac forever. I was beginning to doubt those words and this morning I woke up feeling amazing.

My food this week has been generally good I am down a lb making my total loss since blogging more l lb to go for my original goal. I did eat two hot dogs late one night, no buns, just the dogs....some weird craving I had......

I have run twice this week, I spun (is this the right word ?) once, taught classes and have 2 more runs on the radar.

I am sad to say my small group training is ending until the New wild and crazy Friday nights,lunging and squatting...are on hiatus.

I need to find their replacement I really like weights but doubt I could work that hard on my own....I am considering trying but putting thoughts into action when it comes to pain just dosen't seem to work for me.

Small group training has had a dramatic impact on my body, it is toned, I have lost a ton of dimples in my legs and I like what I see.

The great news is I made it through the week without offering any advice, critism or unkind words to my husband...whew....I may have not been my normally cheerful self....and I rushed out of the house a few times, thinking "keep your mouth shut"....but I made it no damage done....women in general can be horrific to men during PMS and I am no different......breathing really helps long slow breaths.

I am planning a really healthy food day today.

Cottage Cheese, 1/2 banana, granola
Snack - apple with nut butter
Lunch - tuna Sandwich
Snack - 2 oranges
Dinner - Wild Salmon, turnip and roasted red potato's

Thinking about a hot yoga class at 5:00 if all goes well.


Sunday, November 22, 2009

My Inside Voice

This week has been a tough one in many ways, I have worked too much this year and I need a holiday or at least 2 days off in a inside voice is very stressed...when I get tired I go crazy (inside), I woke up Tuesday morning and was serenely drinking coffee, or so I thought... when my husband walked by (my inside voice thought...why can't he pick up his feet ?) I knew right then, in that moment, that if I was criticizing the way Frank walked I was in a bad I took off to see some female friends and get a little boost of their positive worked for awhile...but my inside voice continued all week, I took naps, time for myself and still it wouldn't outside voice managed to behave, not a negative word or criticism was uttered in my husbands direction.

I shared this with some students and we all discussed the fact that female hormones play havoc with our minds and that thank God that as we have gotten, older, wiser and of course better, we have learned to not listen to the inside voice when it is negative.

We agreed that learning to keep our mouths shut and going out , was the best way to handle these times.

Today my inside voice calmed down, I packed all day, my loving daughter came home for the afternoon and I was able to give her some kitchen stuff, we had dinner as a family, and later I went out to meet long time friends who are very very positive.

I think my inside voice is either gone or sleeping I came home relaxed and happy.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Running to Freedom

Yesterday I woke up in a eyes felt heavy and even after 8 hours of sleep I felt like crawling back into bed. T

hursdays I work a long day, I start at 10 and get home around 10pm in the evening, I teach 3 classes and have private between students I work on courses I am writing....

I also had a run on my schedule, my training for the marathon has started, albit slowly it is a 6 month training plan something that I can manage with my schedule....running seemed like the last thing I wanted to add to my tiredness was the was dreary and wet....

The need to run kept popping in my head, part of running and training for an event is self discipline....getting over that mental hump and just getting out there.....I was struggling in my mind....

Around Dinner time I decided to go for it....just as I opened the door it started to pour...I hair looked great and I still had 2 classes to teach...what to do.....I closed the door and just stood there, to run or not.....I decided to go, I grabbed an old t-shirt and wrapped it around my head...out I stopped raining as hard and was just raining tiredness ached in my I ran real was hard...then suddenly I hit this groove a very unexpected groove and the run became pleasureable...all the stress dropped off and I felt young free and started running a bit faster, I ditched the t-shirt hat becuase now I didn't care about my hair I was running for the love of running. I jumped puddles and knocked water off tree branches with my hands I was loving it...I could have run forever but had to go back to the studio to prepare.....

I felt the studio I looked at my unmade up face and my wet (now curly) hair and thought I looked great...I left it that way for the night....

I am so grateful that I can run and that I overcame the obstacle course of my mind to get there...I needed that run

Food Today

Banana Wrap
Greek Salad
Protien Shake
2 apples.

Have an awesome weekend.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Why my Crock Pot is about Love

Dream, Dream Big, Let your mind go and you will be amazed at where you end up.

Dinner is in the crock pot and I am doing laundry, there is a certain peace in quiet moments while doing housework. Sometimes just standing in the kitchen preparing veggies grounds me, and reconnects me with what's important.

I have been trying to feed my husband on a more regular basis, not that I feel obligated to do this, I want to do this to give back to him, he likes to be fed...with my schedule it is not always easy..hence the crock far I have made ribs, roast, stew, curried chicken, curried chickpeas with spinach and today I am making chicken caccitore in the crock pot, I work tonight but he will come home from the city to the smell of great food.

Yesterday I shared what I thought was a crazy dream with him and he totally supported me..I wonder where I would be with out his encouragement...sometimes he drives me crazy....too much advice, too much talking...too messy... my minds says..yak yak yak I think, then I get a reminder as to how much he has really supported me and I feel humbled.

He doesn't know about this what is written on the Blog stays on the Blog LOL.

Breakfast - Ezekiel Raisin Toast with sugar free jam and cashew butter
Snack - Organic Apple (eating it now while I blog)
Lunch - Baked Squash, Turkey Sausage.
Dinner - Mango Protien Shake (working out and don't want heavy food in my stomach) or maybe a greek salad.
Snack - cereal with skim milk

Monday, November 16, 2009

If only I could sit a water spider on my face

I have some stuff coming up that makes me feel nervous, discussions, meetings etc... that I would rather hide from then deal with...but...part of being successful and/or being a grown-up is conquering fear...I have learned over the years that I must not let fears shut me down...I try to do this (not always successfully).

In fact while I was blogging this I stopped called my lawyer and asked for some advice on how to back to fear...lots of things scare me....spiders scare the poop out of me...I was trying to brush a small one of the ceiling in my studio and it feel, I screamed and jumped to the other side...the spider was no bigger then my baby finger nail....a little silly I know...

Friday night in bed I was reading a yoga mag and the article was about dropping in to wheel pose backward from standing....yikes I suggested you start by walking down a wall with your hands into the back bend...Saturday I shared this fear and the article with some offered to spot heart started to race, who says yoga is not a cardio workout.....sweat came up on my brow...okay I said lets try. I was about a foot from the ground and I froze... I couldn't go any farther my mind was panicking....

Sunday I conquered a different very difficult pose, from headstand you drop your legs to a 90 degree angle and hold, it takes tremendous strength to hold this pose, but I manager to hold it for about a minutes...I was excited...another limit pused. I dared wheel again and this time walked all the way down the wall, I hestite partway down and then pushed past it.

My first yoga teacher used to tell me that once I got over fear in a posture that teh courage would manifest in other areas of my life....I look forward to this...maybe one day I will be able to let a water spider sit on my face for 30 seconds... eh Misty...
I am still feeling sick from the picture.

Food Today
Breakfast - peanut butter and jam on whole wheat....desperate for groceries.
Lunch - spinach salad with some grated feta and organic olive oil as a dressing
Beef tenderloin - 2 oz sauteed with mushrooms, carrot slivers, bean sprouts and soy sauce.
Dinner - protien shake, spinach salad
Snack - cereal

Friday, November 13, 2009

My Wild and Crazy Friday nights

When I was in my early teens I dreaded Friday nights, another weekend without a date sigh....heading back to school on Monday to report that nothing happened all weekend was such a my late teens I discovered bars, boys and drinking and then I lived for Friday nights...weekends were never dull. Later Friday nights were a rest from the week of work, a drink with my first husband and then to bed early to recover from the week. Later I looked forward to Friday nights because it meant the weekend with my kids...I loved hanging out with them on the weekends cooking and cycling and whatever else the weekend brought us. Sometimes Friday night meant the kids were going to their other parents and Frank and I would have a weekend for just the two of us.

So now I don't drink, my kids have left home and I work on weekends...what do I do on Friday nights ? I work out with Misty... oh yeah...small group training. I end the week with lunges, strength training and more fun then you could imagine..AB work. It gets better....I now also take Sanskrit lessons, so after my workout I meet with a small group of yoga teachers and learn the Sanskrit language...Hugh Peacock a local yoga teacher guided us tonight through the alphabet, and more. I have to admit it was interesting and fun...


Lead us from darkness to light
From ignorance to truth
And from death to eternity
Let peace prevail everywhere

Food today
Breakfast Sunflower toast with hazelnut better and sugar free jam
Lunch - Sushi rolls, miso soup
dinner - Omelet with spinach and grated cheese, used 2 eggs and 2 egg whites, sunflower toast with real butter, a little treat.
Snack - cereal with banana and skim milk

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

My Spinning Adventure

My Blogging has dropped off a bit because I am busy at the studio and moving so my time is a little I decided I needed more personal exercise so I have added some spinning and Pilates to my workout. I am down one more lb making it a total of 8 lbs since I started the Blog.....not what I wanted but still 8 lbs less...from this point on my goal is 10 more lbs so that my goal total is 18lbs.....

I am not spinning wool, I am spinning my big body on a stationary bike in front of a cute 20 year old who keeps smiling at me and encouraging me on....this 20 something instructor has a waist about as big as my thigh and probably one of the cutest behinds I have ever seen. With her great smile and gorgeous face...just walking in the room is intimidating.

So around her is a semi circle of bikes and on these Bikes are women like me 40 and 50 something with a little extra padding on the seats (not our bike seats), she guides us to close our eyes and set our intention for the class, she flashes an amazing smile and encourages us to push hard when we can but to work within our hard but not too hard...

I look at her and smile....she doesn't know that I will be racing her the whole class....yes this old girl has some spirit in her still....with my kind smile I let her think I am nervous of the class.....I don't want her to know my intention is to kick her ass...then I watch her like a hawk....if she calls for a 1/2 turn I give it a 3/4 or full turn when her legs speed up I match or exceed face gets bright red....sweat pours down the crack of my butt and my hair starts to get frizzy....she keeps smiling and never breaks a sweat...she takes us out of our seats....up hill we are going, sweat is flying everywhere on me....she still looks like a model....she smiles at me but doesn't realize I am winning...I have extra tension and my legs are going face is purple but that's okay...class is over she congratulates us on the hard work, not realizing that I have won....I tell her great class as I while the sweat drops off the bike....see you next week I say...

Food today....

Breakfast - Sunflower Toast, Cashew butter and sugar free jam.
Snack - cheese string
Lunch - cottage cheese, fruit salad with some hemp granola.
Snack - apple
Dinner - stuffed chicken, carrots, couscous.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Sometimes you just have to laugh at yourself

So after blogging about my butt a couple of days ago, that very night my friend Jocelyn, mentions that I have a great butt....she even noticed the new indents in the cheeks....I had to laugh....hopefully the compliments will start moving up my body.

So this morning my husband give me $500.00 to pay a bill...I take the cash and put it in a safe place just to forget where I put it....I search and search for the money...while I am searching I find a Pilates book I have been looking everywhere for...I feel great about the book but still can't find the money. I hop into the shower, in my mind I am retracing my steps this morning.

I can't find the book....I need the book for a course I am writing so after my shower I continue to search for the book and the money...

I give up and head to work in order to not be late, but a little worried about the money.
After teaching a class...I head home for lunch and another search....I find the book...whew...still no money...I decide to make a cheese sandwich....I pull out the cheese/meat drawer in the fridge...and find $500.00 in cash just sitting there....cold cash now LOL...I don't even remember opening that drawer today..then I notice that my husband has cooked bacon and must have been in the drawer twice, once to take the bacon out and the second time to put the bacon in....not noticing the money I have had him searching for.....

You just have to laugh at yourself sometimes.

Breakfast, Ezekiel English muffin and hazelnut butter.
Lunch - Toasted Cheese and lettuce sandwich lite may.
Snack 1 - Kasha Bar.....

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Butt that Misty Built

So this morning I pulled on a pair of jeans, and they are too big...not such a bad thing to find out....I now officially have fat jeans....I will wait a bit longer before I buy thin jeans, a belt will work for now....but one thing I noticed (sorry if this sounds too confident) is that my butt looks amazing in these jeans, I have on some high leather boots and my tush...looks high too.

This is the butt that Misty built....Misty will tell you that I suffered from the whine flu while I felt forced to do walking lunges down Pearle street, or squats with weights...I had many excuses why I should be excluded from this part of the workout...some of them were; I am too fat to do lunges, I am old enough to be your mother....would you make your mother do squats ???...I would always pray for the AB portion of the workout which seemed easier because I teach Pilate's....but I must say looking at how these jeans look this morning I am glad Misty laughed and encouraged me...and also mocked me a bit....the results are well worth the effort.

Food today

Breakfast - breakfast pita with hazelnut butter, latte with skim milk
Lunch - Vegetarian Chili
Dinner - Oxtail Soup
Snack cereal, I may also have a protein shake because I am spinning and running today.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Ways Things Work Out

There is a saying in the Church crowd that God works in mysterious ways, while I am not a religious person, and certainly don't believe that there is this all knowing God granting blessings or punishments. I have seen things work out that seemed at one point impossible or things work out but having twists and turns.

I am not at all a fan of the The Secret, in fact, I internally scream when the movie is quoted to me. Manifesting our dreams it just not as easy as Secret Followers would have you believe...just manifest they say...just wave your f-ing magic wand and it will be is just not that easy and it is not meant to be . Success is is never instant or easy...hard work, self discipline, dreaming, persistence...these are just some of the qualities of success, not writing your wishes on a story board and waiting for them to happen. That's why I love runners, they know that in order to run that race or marathon, they need to do the do things, runners have amazing focus and self discipline...runners know that nobody can run the race for you, you have to cross that finish line yourself.

Robin Sharma says you have to be willing to sacrifice all to get what you want...

My husband and I have done that, we have followed our inner dreams and both have gone after what we really wanted to do in at times has been painful...sometimes joyful...we have doubted ourselves and we have fought...we have laughed at ourselves and built each other up when the other needed it...thank god we have both not crashed at the same time. We didn't count on a recession while chasing our dreams....

When I think of the past few months I think about how grateful I am for the way things turned out...first I got was extremely difficult and I had to take time off work...but I got to sit at the edge of my pool every day and watch my grandkids play...I got to spend time with my daughter in-law and today I feel much closer to them.

Then my house took a long time to sell, but looking back I was glad it didn't sell until now, the summer with my grandkids was worth the well we had an amazing Thanksgiving dinner...our last in this house but I knew that at the will change now and I am ready for it.

Those are just some of the things that happened this year that have been "little blessings" ...I could go on and on.

But in the end it has been a good year, I have made really good friends and been supported by some amazing people.

My special thanks go Misty, Annalise, Kyla, Brian, Andrea and Lianne, and my Father....who were there for Frank and I in so many ways.

Food Today

Breakfast - cottage cheese with fruit and granola
Lunch - Vegetarian Chilli with grated cheese.
Nap...long one and maybe a bowl of cereal.
Dinner - I have a pot roast in the crock pot ...not sure if I want red meat 2 days in a row, so may have a great salad or some chilli on lettuce with grated cheese and salsa...a virtually fat free taco salad.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Shake and Shimmy

As many of you know me you also know that I have a fairly busy schedule...and somehow over the years I have stopped doing things, like going to movies, plays etc...generally it is because on my one or two nights off I am tired or my husband is tired so we sit..and sit and sit...not that I mind sitting but I think we sit too I was excited when Ava Noir rented my studio for a Burlesque Workshop...I decided to attend.

What a fun night 15 women, learning the Burlesque basics, the walk, the look, the hips shakes and the shimmying....Ava Noir was fun informative and truly is hot the beginning of the night my hips seems stuck...white girl hips...they just didn't want to move, but at the end of the hour they let go.

Ava told us to practice I did - in Shoppers Drugmart I did the walk up the aisle when I was along, I seductively reached for the cereal box...I shimmyed over to the on Sale Kasha bars...wondering if my new career as a dancer was looming.

I got home and thought why not..I am not much of a dancer so this is a really stretch for me....I called to my husband "stay there" I wanted to show him what I had learned...I was afraid he would scoff at I walked towards him, I did the bicycle walk and with my hands behind my head, I shimmyed over to the wall, where I slid down the wall (trying not to groan from the pain of bootcamp) and did the knee thing, a litte peak....he watched...and smiled as I turned away from him and shook my booty....I then went up to him for the final shimmy and some hair tousling...oh yeah my first performance...was a hit..of sorts...and a great laugh.

I will not be giving up my career as a yoga teacher...thank god there is no shimmying in yoga...but look for me in the grocery stores as I seductively look for specials and healthy my running shoes and yoga workshop is about feather BOA's....I have a feather duster..but a BOA sounds like way more fun..

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Mango Protein Shake

Thursday is my longest day of the week I start at 10:00 am and end around 10:00 pm, so it makes for a tired Sheree...I have found that being prepared with great quality food really helps my was not one of those organized days....tomorrow thanks goodness I am off and will have time to grocery shop.

Breakfast - Breakfast Pita with Hazelnut butter
Lunch - Chicken souvlaki on a pita
Snack - protein shake, apple...
Dinner Greek salad - dressing on the side.

The protein shake may sound boring but it is amazing sweet, filling and yummy a recipe from my friend and trainer Misty.

One scoop East Coast Naturals Vanilla protein powder (Trust me this is the best brand, I have tried a few, that taste like chalk or have tons of chemicals in them)

I fill my blender with frozen mango, about 3/4 of the way full
I scoop protein power
Then I add skim milk up to the level of the mango.

Blend together - it can be as thick as ice cream if you use less milk or add a little more milk for a milkshake consistency...anyway - you like it is is the best fruit I find for this shake...I have tried blueberries, strawberries and raspberries....but they seem overwhelming in comparison to the mango.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I want to be a starfish

Through one of my students last week I learned an awesome fact...starfish spit out their stomachs and then their stomachs grow back....wouldn't that be awesome....we could eat big slice of pizza and then safey...spit out our stomach....

My stomach by the way is still shrinking, my food has been awesome...but I have been busy and have been totally unbalanced...Friday on my day off I plan to rebalance my life take a big long look at what I can slice off my scheudle to make room for my 1/2 marathon training...something I really want to do but can't if I don't figure things out.

I treated my self to a great slice of pizza. Yummy

Thursday, October 22, 2009

My Stomach is Awesome

So last night as I was changing and I ABS are showing and gross as it sounds my stomach doesn't hang any more....somehow this happened and I didn't even notice it. Now.... there is a ways to go yet. I won't be modelling for any 6 pack Advertisement, but it is just one more thing on the I sit here and type I can drop my head and look all the way down and not see stomach...whoo hoo to that.

My days have gotten very busy, so blogging seems to be hard, but I think it has really helped so I am going to continue.

I won't catch up on my food, it has been a good week, I haven't lost any weight in a week but I am okay with that...the cold has knocked my personal exercise schedule to hell.....just keeping up with work and home has been enough.

If all goes well I will run tomorrow if not I won't sweat it I have a Bootcamp tomorrow night....

Food Today

Wrap - Banana, cashew butter, Ezekiel Wrap
Lunch - Cottage Cheese 1%, raspberries, granola
Dinner - Chicken Souvlaki on Pita
Snacks, pear,

Monday, October 19, 2009

If only I could marry Katie

It was one of the those weekends, very busy, too busy and the whole weekend I had a cold....feeling crappy takes some of the joy out of the day. My first class of yoga teacher graduated this weekend and they are awesome, I am really proud of them and they were so excited. It has been a powerful 10 months working with these women and watching them grow. I have a new group of teacher trainees that started last month and it will be interesting to see them develop and learn.

Then last night I went to a Lululemon staff meeting and was presented with a Ambassador Card worth $1,000.00, I was shocked I hadn't expected it last night and it is hard not to rush in there and spend it all at once...I have been eyeballing stuff but didn't want to spend too much money.

My food on the weekend was awesome, I am not going to list it, but except for a donut I stole off my boarder (he had already eaten about 8 that day, so in a way I was doing him a favor), I ate very healthy. I had a great tofu dish at a vegetarian restaurant in Whitby. Hey Mom, if you are reading this let me buy you lunch there next will be fun to see you.

Today's Food

Egg McMuffin, no meat, sorry it was the best I could do I had to be in T.O for a early meeting and I am still sick, I staggered to the shower and out the door in about 25 minutes.

So on the way home from my meeting I thought no way am I buying crappy takeout, then I realised I hadn't grocery shopped last week. The thought of stopping to buy groceries was not very appealing, all I could think about was going back to bed and nursing this cold. I kept thinking there must be something, the fridge was 1/4 full of this and that.

So I sauteed onions and 1/2 a carton of mushrooms in some fresh garlic and olive oil. I then added a can of diced tomato, some basil and oregano, I simmer it a bit then added 3/4 of a can of fava beans ( I have no idea how they even got in my cupboard). I had some left over organic spinach which I stirred in at the last minute.

Served on Brown Rice Pasta with a some grated Asagio cheese, it was really a great meal. Frank hung out with me while I cooked and we caught up on my life...which is busier than a way. Frank works from home so I seem to be the one gone all the time.

I am defrosting chicken to make a potato, pea and chicken curry, in the crockpot, this will give us access to some fairly healthy food and tomorrow some time I will grocery shop....and menu plan...I need a wife. Too bad Katie is taken she is the Martha Stewart of Whitby.

Friday, October 16, 2009

I Braved the Scale

So last night after blogging, I came home and looked at the scale, I felt stupid to be afriad of a number, what is a number anyways ? I hopped on just before bed and slowly looked down.....and all was well, I was exacly where I was the last time I weighed myself. I was pleased becuase this means my metabolism is great, I used to gain 5lbs after a long weekend but now I seem to be able to maintain and slowly go down. What is great is that I am not doing anything that would be hard to maintain, I eat carbs, meat, dairy but in moderation, this fits my lifestyle very well.

This cold has really knocked me out so I am resting all day...sort of..working on a course I teach next month but doing so in my PJ's.

Food for the day.

Brown rice wrap, banana, cashew butter.
Spinach salad, with grated cheese, no bacon, yogurt dressing.
Butter Chicken.
Snacks, apple, cheese string, latte.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Getting Busy

The days have been really busy, the studio is doing well and I am working on writing courses and preparing for the launch of a mailing for the government, I still dabble a bit in the marketing world.

I am excited that Monday I will actually put on a suit and dress shoes and go off to the world of business. It has been a while since I sat in a boardroom, I have sat in many gorgeous boardrooms doing presentations and sales pitches and now I sit of the floor of my studio talking about hip openers and how to prepare your body for labor, it is a huge lifestyle change. I love yoga but sometimes miss the dressing up and energy in the corporate world. Although I am sure that this project will end up be so deadline orientated that I will be grateful to talk about hip openers.

I have been nervous to weigh myself since thanksgiving so I decided to wait until I was back to normal eating for a few days, plus I had the dreaded PMS bloating.

All week long I have been nesting, yikes, I can't stop cleaning I have pulled sheets, clothes and other stuff out of my cupboards and shipped them off to Goodwill,
I have thrown out anything I haven't worn in a year or that just doesn't fit.

Today I wore a pair of pants and they actually almost slipped off my hips, soon it will be time for smaller sized pants but I am not quite in the next size down, I can't wait.

I have a wicked cold so slept in today, breakfast was a raw food bar in the car.
Lunch - Omelette with cheese, green peppers and mushrooms, 1 slice of rye toast no butter a few home fries, I really felt like comfort food because of my cold, I had 2 big cups of coffee.
Snacks - Mozz cheese string, mango protein shake,
Dinner - Chicken Souvlaki on a Pita

Tomorrow I have canceled my plans to stay home and get well, I really have a busy weekend and don't want to be exhausted. Realizing my limitations is hard for me, to stay home and rest is equally hard...

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Pumpkin Cheesecake

I had a great thanksgiving, time with my kids, my grandmother and father as well as my siblings, it is always great to spend time with the family.

Yesterday was just too busy to run, I really really wanted to but I had to cook stuff to take to my Dad's house and I had promised him I wouldn't be late...or at least too late.

I went there with the intent of not eating dessert but I succumbed to this divine looking Pumpkin sister had bought. It was really really good and well worth the lack of discipline.

This week will be back to normal with my food, I made a great turkey vegetable soup yesterday and will have a bowl of it and some salad for lunch.

I am heading into 3 really busy weeks so hope to be able to maintain my own exercise and make time for cooking, I find I eat well if I prepare it.

Fried Egg
2 slices of Ezekiel bread, a bit of light cream cheese.

Snack - Kasha Bar

Turkey Soup, Salad with a bit of grated cheese.

Dinner - hmmmm not sure, maybe some Channa masala on brown basmati rice.

Monday, October 12, 2009

The last couple of days have been a blur I have had no time, with my normal busy schedule and Thanksgiving it has been hectic. yesterday I just decided to really really rest, I watched T.V. ate leftovers and napped, it was a much needed day to myself.

We had our dinner on Saturday and is was great, Frank did the prep (grunge) work because I was teaching all morning and I pulled it together. Although I must say Frank made an amazing dressing for the Turkey....he added apples to it.

We had 5 of the kids home, only Ben couldn't make it. I can only say it was one of the best days I have had in a long long time, having the family together is such a great feeling, watching them interact at an adult level is interesting.

Margaux (my daughter) had a split with her boyfriend, so it was perfect that she spend the day around people who love her and support her.

Plus the bonus is 4 grandchildren now....who are so cute...and entertaining and so full of love.

I have eaten okay, probably more butter then I normally would, and of course I had the most amazing slice of pumpkin pie I have ever eaten. I sent the leftover pie away so I wouldn't be tempted to eat more.

Yesterday I ate leftovers for both lunch and dinner but skipped the potato's and rolls, to cut down a bit on the carbs and starches....not sure if it really mattered because of the butter and sauces...

I love to cook, I love to read cook books and to try new recipes...generally I don't have the time during the week but for occasions I start a few weeks in advance sorting through Canadian Living magazines and cookbooks.

I tried a great recipe for Brussels Sprouts that I just have to share. It is from the More HeartSmart CookBook by Bonnie Stern. It is low fat and really really good, Frank ate 1/3 of the dish before I had even served it, he kept sneaking into the kitchen and popping sprouts into his mouth.

Makes 6 servings
2 tsp vegetable oil
1 tbsp chopped fresh ginger (I used the pre-chopped kind but added a bit more)
1 lb carrots sliced on diagonal
1 lb Brussels sprouts, trimmed and halved
2 tbsp maple syrup
1 cup chicken stock (they suggest homemade, vegetarians use veggie broth)
1/2 tsp salt (I skipped the salt because I used a prepared chicken stock)
1/4 tsp pepper

1. heat oil in large non stick skillet. Add ginger and cook gently until fragrant.
2. Add carrots and Brussels sprouts. Drizzle with maple syrup and turn to coat well.
3. Add chicken stock, salt and pepper. Bring to boil and cook uncovered until liquid evaporates and the vegetables are glazed.

So today I have one more Turkey Dinner to eat and then I am back to my food plan.

1/2 a whole wheat bagel with light cream cheese.
Snack - raspberries with yogurt and a bit of granola.
Lunch - Salad with tuna and a bit of grated cheese.
Dinner - Turkey and the fixing's I am going to skip dessert and avoid the carbs.

I am hoping to run soon....I have to do a bit of cooking for today but if I get going soon I will have the time for a run.....motivation please.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Down Again

Okay so last night I decided to share my husbands Kit Kat bar, if you can't beat them join them. Just a few pieces, it was okay it has been several weeks since I had any sugar and trust me it is all over my house. Both Frank and Charlie live on the stuff.

i am down another lb or so and can really feel the weight loss since I started blogging...I feel lighter and better and am working towards just 2 more lbs to meet my 10lb goal, I will then set my next goal. I think it will be 10 more and then I will maintain...I don't want to lose all my girly parts.

Keeping a few extra lbs on as you age helps fill in the saggy bits....or so my mother always told me.

Today menu - banana wrap, brown rice wrap, banana, peanut butter
Snack - yogurt, pear, bit of granola
Lunch = Sushi...
Dinner - Greek Salad

I will run today, tomorrow is Bootcamp and Sunday another run, Saturday I teach 3 classes and that means I get a bit of a workout too.

Thanksgiving is coming together.

Thank Katie for the Baked Apple recipe....I have a huge bowl full of apples.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Maggots in my stomach

This week I had the bright idea that I would precook some food for the week, it has worked out well. But I cooked Vegetarian food mostly and used tons of I like beans ,they are a great low fat source of fiber and they taste great..but they have an affect on most people, much like the old song..."beans beans the magical fruit ........the more you eat...the more you .......", so the last couple of days between run club, teaching yoga, teaching pilates and the beans.....I can only say has been a challenge...there is constant movement in my intestines....rumbling....stuff...maggots I am sure. Luckily I have a spare room to sleep in LOL.

I have been busier the last couple of weeks then I could ever imagine being....but I have successfully kept up my exercise and my good eating. My goal as always is to do one thing at a time. Friday I hope to go to a spa and spend the gift certificate Charlie (my boarder) kindly gave me for my birthday, I am hoping for a massage and a facial....I really really really need this time for myself.

I have Thanksgiving on my radar....Canadian Living magazines in my bedroom.....looking for new and yummy recipes.

Menu Today - NO BEANS.....

2 Fried eggs, one pear
Lunch - Salmon Sandwich
Dinner - Halibut Steak, Brussels sprouts,

Not sure about the snacks depends on how much I work out if at all. I may run and if I do I will add a protein shake, I have some raw almonds that I may eat at work.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Race Review

I was limping up my stairs Saturday night thinking YIKES, I can barely walk and I am running 5k in the morning, my mind was thinking how do I get myself out of this race.....luckily I had committed to meeting my friend Kyla, because there is no way I would have done it without her.

I took some Tylenol and went to bed with my lavender heated thingy on my still slight sprained intercostal muscles and tossed and turned all night.

At 6:00am I dragged my sorry butt out of bed thinking there was no way...I would be able to run today. Not the most positive attitude to start your day with. I slowly prepared for the race, 2 glasses of water, coffee, food, a visit to the bathroom, I had picked out my clothes the night before just in case....I grumbled to my husband who thinks I am nuts anyways....and therefore confirmed it one more time....and off I went to meet Kyla, still drinking coffee.

Kyla was in slightly better shape then I was, having done 2 bootcamps like I had, she did only one, her limp was slightly less.

So the was great....I ran slow...and soon the pain was hard... lack of sleep and being sore had its affects...but what affected me more was the amazing energy of the event....the power of people gathered for a common cause is unbelievable, I was there maybe 3 mintues before I started to get tears in my eyes, running beside children who had lost their moms, or moms who had lsot their daughters, or men who had lost their wives.

Cancer has not struck our family and for that I am grateful....the courage needed to fight that disease must be mindblowing, my friend Kyla has had cancer and lost her father to it so being at the event with her was powerful.

I am grateful one more time that I pushed beyond the fluctuations of my mind and put myself out there in the world on the side of the picture being painted.

Monday's I dust, do laundry and a little cooking for the week, I plan on making Channa Masala , Veggie chili and roasting a stuffed chicken breast. As usual I have a busy week so cooking today will save me tons of money and ensure I eat well.

Menu for the day.

Pear, egg, toast
Channa Masala (chick peas and spinach, cauliflower in masala), brown rice
Dinner - veggie chili
Snacks - not sure if I will have them today.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Yesterday turned out to be a great day, I finished work around 2:00 and then ran some errands, the butcher, the veggie store etc....then home to spend some time with my husband. Since I worked 5 evenings my husband has been opening cans of beans, boiling plain pasta or eating out. He is not one to cook but he is one to eat. So last night I made a big meal for him and we invited the boarder to join us. I really appreciated the chance just to be at home, doing simple things, it has been so busy lately that cooking felt like a chance to relax and reconnect.

My sleep was restless I was up and down all night,I am not looking forward to my busy day as I am tired. But I was really proud of myself, I had a big dinner and didn't teach last night so I skipped my late night snack, I usually need it because I work until 9:30 most nights. Usually if I am sleepless I may eat something, I opened the fridge a couple of times but each time talked myself out of eating. Thank god the ice cream cake had been eaten....

Breakfast - Peanut Butter and sugar free jam sandwich,
Snack - Apple
Lunch Breakfast Pita, with light cream cheese, cucumber and hummus
Dinner chicken breats, stuff with apple and Havarti Cheese, brussel sprouts, brown rice

Saturday, October 3, 2009


So I have overbooked my Saturday's, soooo unlike me LOL, I have 3 classes and run club....and then I imagine I will be napping the rest of the day.

Today there was no run club...I got to sleep in until 8:00am, whew.

Last night my husband picked me up late from the studio and he was hungry, and he is a bit of a fast food junkie so we ended up at Wendy's, I find sitting in fast food restaurants depressing just knowing how bad the food is for your body. I also find buffet restaurants the same way...something about mass quantities of un-healthy food turns me off, I feel like I am sitting in a depressing bar watching people who really need to drink, do so.

Years ago I worked in a country and western bar, Sunday's I found depressing it seemed to be the real hard core drinkers, they would sometimes bring their kids in with them. I felt sadness at times for how much these people needed to drink. I feel the same way sometimes when I watch people overeat really bad food.


peanut butter and jam sandwich - Ezekial Bread
Mango Protien Shake
Lunch -
Latte, breakfast pita and light cream cheese.
snack - 3 brown rice cakes with light cream cheese and salsa
Dinner -marinated Beef ribs, 1/2 sweet potato, 2 whole wheat buns with butter, turnip.

Have a great weekend,

CIBC Run for the Cure tomorrow.

Friday, October 2, 2009

the scale jumped again...down...

Okay so I surprised myself this morning when I jumped on the scale and was down about 2lbs....I felt a little lighter but really hadn't expected it. It is probably about 1 1/2 lbs but I know Misty will work off the other 1/2 lb tonight.

I have completely lost one of my belly's, almost 2 and my chin is receding...I am really liking what I see these days....kind of the old Sheree returning.

Yesterday I chatted with someone about smoking, I quit smoking 20 times at least but was successful only once, I have now not smoked for 11 1/2 years. Persistence is one of the major keys to success, and is actually one of my strengths, I rarely give up.

I just feel too that this time I will be successful with my weight, there is something different, no gimmicks no fad diets, no quick fixes, just hard work outs, and some real soul searching.

This summer I got pissed off.....really pissed inside kind of anger.

I decided to change...I made several changes, the one being the re-focus back on me, the second being my new mantra...I will not accept the unacceptable....

As soon as I made this decision things changed, almost instantly....the message is out there loud and clear.

I am painting the studio today....cutting in at least....I am going to try to turn this into a meditation and just focus on the job as I am doing it, painting is not one of the things I enjoy but maybe that is because I am always trying to get it done, today I will focus on being present in the moment.

Ezekial Raisin Muffin Cream Cheese (light) sugar free jam
snack - yogurt, raspberries, bit of granola
Lunch - salad, tuna
Dinner - Protien shake for the workout
Snack - rice cakes, with salsa and light cream cheese

Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Business of Yoga

last night I taught a great class, what made the class great were the amazing people in the room, they were into the class and enjoy yoga...their energy just filled the room and at the end of the class I felt this amazing sense of joy.

I am lucky to have such job that brings me calm.

Running a yoga studio is a business, there is bookkeeping and advertising and all the back end stuff like cleaning and dealing with staff. Along with the courses I write I can often be really really busy. How nice it is to end the day with some great students of yoga.

Yesterdays Menu

Breakfast - Banana roll up, brown rice wrap, hazelnut butter
Lunch - 2 Chicken snack wraps fron Tim Hortons....not much of a "Timmies fan" but I was starving.
Dinner Greek Salad
Snack - 3 brown rice cakes with salsa and light cream cheese.

Ran for 35 minutes

Today menu

Breakfast - Ezekiel Raisin English Muffin with light cream cheese and sugar free jam
Lunch - hummus, carrots, salad, chick peas.
Dinner - veggie chili with light sour cream
Afternoon snack - mango protein shake.

Today I will walk while I deliver fliers and then I am going to trim the walls in the studio. That should be enought for movement for the day as I am teaching 3 classes as well.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

10K Today

Today I start my 10k training, in fact, already I have looked at my running shoes and thought patient....we will get out there, I need one more coffee some breakfast and then out I go. On a day like today I look forward to running, sunny not too hot.

It has been a long hard struggle to get my running strength back, after suffering from Adrenal Fatigue and low iron, it is great to run strong and love running again. Persistence is always the key, no matter how tired I felt I always ran a bit...once my energy came back I increased my running, it is not easy to have to start almost over but it is worth it. I once again love running and run for fun, running is my motorcycle, my sense of freedom and youth, I run to relieve stress, I love to run alone and just burn off stress. Running is for me.

I am considering running from home today....I am kind of scared to run up here, not of people but of coyotes..I had a coyote sighting a few years ago and have only run a few times locally since....but today is too nice, maybe I will take one of my dogs as bait.

The house if full of cake, ice cream and pies and last night I came home and had rice cakes.....with sugar free jam.

menu today

Brown Rice Wrap, banana, cashew butter
Lunch, - salad, with tuna.
Snack - Mango Protein Shake
Dinner - depends on my schedule.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Fire Men delivered to my door - Happy Birthday

One day Misty and I were trail running and there, in the middle of the woods, we ran into Fire Men doing drills, was that a dream or was it a mirage....I am a cops kid and I like a man in uniform...although I have never dated a cop or a fireman, I have the habit of looking when I see one....LOL, someday I must grow up and give that up.

So.....last night....I am awakened to strange sounds in my driveway...flashing lights and the rumbling sound of an engine...hmmm I take a peak, there is a big truck in my is hard to tell in the dark what kind of truck it is but is resembles a fire truck. I wait to see if anyone is coming to the door, nothing happens....hmmm I am the home owner I must go see, I was also worried about the noise, my husband was sleeping.

So out I go in my pj's n at 5:00am and they were big tall firemen....they had been called by a neighbor because our boarder had a huge fire on our property, he was burning wire (long story), behind the fire truck were the police...yikes.. I talked to the driver for awhile to find out that the police are at the fire with my broader.I decide to stay out of this. Let my boarder handle his stuff.

But let me tell you the driver was very handsome, grey haired in his 50's, just my type.....we chatted about my home and stuff...until my husband woke up and took over. I headed back to bed and left my husband with the firemen and police.

So the moral of the story is....the next time my friend Charlie sends me Firemen for my Birthday, I need some warning, so I can chip the sleep gunk out of my eyes, brush my teeth and change my ratty pj's and bed head....

Food for the day

Egg - Fried in pam, Raisin Ezekiel English muffin, milk
Lunch - left over dinner, bit of potatos, carrots parsnips and chicken.
Snack - hummus and carrots
Dinner - not sure, salad I think, with tons of veggies and maybe some left over chicken. Teaching 2 classes tonight and don't want to be sluggish.

Today I am quite tired I worked all weekend, on top of my normal schedule, I will run tomorrow.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Ice Cream Cake......

Today is my Birthday, I turned 49, I have had 2 insanely busy weeks, and worked until 5:30 today....but I came home to a great meal prepared by my daughter, her boyfriend, and my husband came together and made roast chicken, mashed potatoes and tons of parsnips and carrots, it was divine, and as a surprise my father had been invited, now I was a bit of a daddy's girl in my youth and still have a very soft spot for him. So the meal was divine, the company was great Dad brought an ice cream cake....I love ice cream, it is a weakness, to the point that I generally just don't eat it, for sure I don't buy it...but there is was,and for real it had my name on piece, Sheree in blue icing....what could I do but indulge ? I loved every mouthful of it and may have another piece (sorry Misty),

I have been too busy to blog, but my food has been great all weekend, until today, a little birthday cupcake given to me by one of my teachers and of course the ice cream cake....

Tuesday I start my 10k training and boot camp restarts next Friday, so I am sure my little ice cream indulgence will be worked off.

In the meantime...I felt grateful for my little family gather and for the amazing daughter I have raised.

Did I mention my boarder Charlie....who is my new favorite boarder...bought me a gift certificate to a spa....can you say facial and massage...ahhhh...there is little I like more then a day a a spa...maybe only sleep and "S..X"...I have already been drooling over their menu of services...planning carefully the best way to spend the certifcate....I have been sooo spoiled.

Friday, September 25, 2009

I am Cancelling plans

Okay so about 3 days ago my Friday was booked solid, but I am tired very tired and have a busy weekend, so I cancelled all my plans today...I will work on my manuals most of the day and tonight I am speaking at a local women's group. I will spend the day writing, eating well and rebuilding energy. A few years ago I would have kept all my commitments but I have learned that it is okay to postpone and reschedule things.

I am looking forward to the day now, an easy writing day, a nap, some gentle yoga and some finishing touches on my talk...still a busy day but not a crazy deer in the headlights kind of day.

When I told my husband my new plans he looked at me and said, I was crazy to have made the plans in the beginning....I am not sure I am in the mood for a husband today....I think i will hide out at the studio....until this mood passes. My husband is great at pointing out my errors in judgement, I am still decideding if this is a blessing or not....a couple of years ago he said I was his soul mate, while that may sound romantic, a soul mate is the person who makes you grow the most, soul mates can push your buttons, drive you insane and more but...they have the role of smoothing off your rough edges. So today I will hide out from my soul mate. And when I am not so tired I will accept his comments like water off a ducks back.

I must admit that I have become a better person as the result of my relationship, I look back to my first marriage and think YIKES...

Breakfast - Banana wrap
Lunch - Salad with chicken
Dinner - Not sure anyone what to buy my dinner LOL, maybe a bit of steak and some potatos.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Day just ended but it ended on a high note.

Today seemed like the day that would never end...I woke up at 6:00 in pain, I have strained my intercostal muscles in my right rib cage...probably in a hot yoga class. It only hurt when I took a breath, so my day started very very slowly as the heat of my movement warmed up the muscles...the pain was so bad...I was almost late, I arrived at the studio to have students on my door step. After teaching class in pain the phone rang, I had a showing on the house in 2 hours I jumped in the car, and headed home, I grabbed a Greek salad on the way home. I rushed around the house cleaning it for the showing trying to take bites of my salad, at 12:50 I had to rush back to the studio with my half eaten Greek salad to meet someone, to deliver fliers door to door. For 2 hours we delivered fliers, at 4:00 I was back a the studio to answer emails and finish my Greek salad. I then had to finish a manual I was writing for the weekend, I made a protein shake and the next time I looked up it was 6:00. Yikes I realized I had not taken a moment all day for myself I decided to walk and grab a sandwich, the sandwich shop was closed so I settled for some really bad pizza that just yesterday I said I was never going to eat again. I finished the pizza just before my first student of the night walked in, I then taught 2 hours of yoga. Printed off my manual and arrived home at 10:00pm.

I am pooped....tomorrow I am writing all day, courses and manuals..the weekend is just as plans for Monday are the same as I spent this Monday...stay in my pj's and nap....

I may not be updating my Blog until next week...I knew the fall would be busy but I underestimated how busy.....

As soon as I sell my house I am going to a spa for a day, a massage, a facial and some rest.

Breakfast - banana, peanut butter, brown rice wrap.
Lunch - Greek Salad, pear
Snack - Protien Shake
Dinner - Slice of Pizza
Snack - strawberries and 1/4 cup of fat free cottage cheese.

Just as I was about to come home the phone rang it was my daughter, calling me to tell me she was going to cook me dinner on Sunday and that she had already bought me a birthday gift...she was so excited to be doing this for me...she is such a great kid...I love the woman she is growing to be.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Sweat those LBS Off

Yesterday on a whim I called my friend Misty and we went to a local Hot Yoga Studio, for a one hour class...good the end all I could hear was the sound of my sweat hitting the mat. Afterward we went for lunch, which included a latte. Later that night I ran in the heat....all day long one glass of water...I am so bad at drinking just before bed I hit the scale, not sure why, my weight was down so much I went yikes....I headed to the kitchen to guzzle water...2 tall cool glasses....dehydration is not a valid way to lose weight....

I am down one more lb from last week total weight loss 6lbs - again my goal was 10 before the photoshoot.

I still need to lose weight, having a goal and this blog helped. If I were to lose 13more lbs, I would be at a weight my body used to settle at very well, it would still not make me really thin, but being really thin, is not one of my goals. I have never wanted to be super thin, in fact it doesn't appeal to me, I want to be in a healthy range but keep my curves...I like some of my curves and don't want to lose them, just tone them abit and make my stomach curve in....rather than out and out and out.

I am heading into another very busy period.....September has been a crazy month...good crazy from a business perspecitive.

So for the nexty 3 months I would like to lose 3 to 5 lbs a month...this will bring me to my next goal weight...I should look great there because the last time I weighed it I was no where near as toned.

Thanks to my workouts with Misty I have a strong toned body..I love that at 48 I am super fit and strong.

Breakfast, 2 slices of bacon, toast, tomatos, light mayo
Snack - Kasha Bar
Lunch - Greek Salad
Snack - not sure
Dinner - Potatos, chicken breats (grilled) left over greek salad.


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Yesterday I had to force myself out of my pyjamas, I took the day just to rest and recoup, I am good at this...nany people see me as always going but I am really good at napping and resting when I need it.

I also have booked myself on a yoga retreat.....ahhh...I am cancelling plans and rearranging my schedule to do this but I need it so I am going. I am taking a Tibetan Yoga retreat with Swami Vivenanda, he is consdered an enlighted soul and he is the person I plan on studying with in Thailand. I am so excited to be going on this retreat, just the time away will do me so good. I am going alone so I can just absorb the weekend and be really selfish with my time, yoga is my passion.

Most of all I just need some time, 2009 has been a tough I will always remember....I have managed the stress very well but I feel like I need to float for awhile in the bliss of yoga.

2009 has also been a very good are some of the good things that happened.
My teacher training program was approved by the Yoga Alliance.
My studio took off this summer - busy and growing
I made some amazing new friends that I love (they know who they are because I told them)
I lost 15lbs during all the stress, which for me is big, usually I overeat when I am stressed.
I am a Lululemon Ambassador
the Brooklin Run Club was born - Thanks Misty
I also took some control back in my life I had given up for the sake of easy...

On my retreat I plan on doing some inner work, some writing about myself and some of the changes I need to make, I look forward to this as a way of ridding myself of the heaviness of my stuff.

Today I am heading out to do some yoga somewhere not sure where, either hot or Ashtanga....

Menu Today

Breakfast - apple, Toasted English Muffin, with light cream cheese and sugar free jam.
Snack = Kasha Bar
Lunch - Grilled Chicken and Pesto Sandwich, latte
Snack - 2 brown rice cakes with light cream cheese
Dinner - Left over dinner, baked squash, roasted cauliflower and chicken, 1/2 banana
Snack - Bowl of Go Lean cereal with skim milk and 1/2 banana
Probably will throw a protien shake into the mix but will decide later based on my level of excersise.

Monday, September 21, 2009

A normal Week

Misty always says shoot for the moon and you will land in the stars, so I tried to lose 10lbs and I lost 5, without focusing on it I wouldn't have lost anything.

The Photoshoot was fun, great people and a gorgeous day at the lake, I will post pictures this week sometime.

My food the last 5 days was all over the place, my veggies were practically non existent, although I did have a great turkey dinner in Trenton, with tons of salads and veggies. Except for the chip slip earlier in the week, I stayed with in a moderate amount of food each day.

My focus this week will be to get back to my eating plan, the festival, the photo shoot and the trip to Trenton were all on top of my normal somewhat busy life.

This week is a similar type of week with lots on my plate, I am teaching yoga and speaking at a women's group on Friday, a 5k race on Saturday and I am teaching a course all weekend.

Next Sunday is my 49th Birthday I write this only to make my parents feel old LOL. I think I could still pass for 47 1/2.

My goal is to run a marathon the year I turn 50, 2010, I have several marathons picked out, which one I run will depend on how well my training does. I will for sure be tuning the Whitby International 1/2 marathon next spring, followed by a fall marathon. I ran my first 1/2 marathon the year I turned 40. I haven't run a 1/2 marathon in about 5 years and am looking forward to the long runs, that blow off tons of steam. Running is one of the ways I meditate.

Breakfast Today - Cottage Cheese with fruit
Snack - Misty approved granola Bar
Lunch - Tuna Sandwich on Ezekiel Bread
Snack - Rest of the tuna and some sugar free fruit cup
Dinner - TERIYAKI Chicken (no sugar in this sauce, I make it from scratch), roasted Cauliflower, baked acorn squash.
Snack - toasted English muffin - Ezekial with a bit of light cream cheese and sugar free jam.

I probably won't exercise body feels like a train wreck today, I am really tired. Today will be a day to sit around in my PJ's and catch up on some class planning and writing. I teach 2 power classes today so I need to conserve energy for them, the late class is a really strong group and we are advancing some of their poses, therefore making me work hard to demonstrate the poses.

Losing more weight should make some of those arm balances a lot easier.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Just a Quickie

I am heading into 5 very busy days and won't be blogging much, today I teach 3 classes and have festival stuff to do, the same tomorrow, Friday is the photo shoot (they bumped it up a week) Saturday I am in Trenton after teaching 2 classes and Sunday is the Festival.

Monday I will rest all day...

Yesterday was kind of fun I went for the fit session at Lululemon, I tried on tons of clothes to pick the ones for the photo shoot, friendly staff and the clothes are great...I am excited about the shoot.

In total I lost 5 lbs, not what I wanted but I will take it with the illness slowing me down I think 5lbs is great.

I learned lots about my eating and water drinking habits so it was worthwhile to blog and track things.

I am hiding the fact that I have been in a bad mood for a couple of out....if you can read, it is probably the pressure of the Festival last minute details and the trip to Trenton.

When I am in this kind of mood I just try not to act on my thoughts and to keep my mouth zipped.....not so easy but worthwhile...moods pass likes clouds in the sky but the damage done if I am not careful can last a long tons of breathing and time on my own really helps. Osho says that these cycles are natural and part of us.
So I am going with this natural cylce, by going to bed a little earlier and breathing tons of prana....

So this grumpy girl wishes you all a great week.

Menu Today

Breakfast - toast (Ezekial) peanut butter, sugar free jam.
Snack - Latte
Lunch - Tuna Sandwich on Ezekial Bread
Snack, apple, cheese string
Dinner - corn, flattened chicken, green salad.

Will run 4k today...

Menu Tomorrow

Breakfast - Berries on Cottage Cheese
Snack - Almonds, apple
Lunch - not sure
Protien Shake
Dinner - Curried Chicken/Cauliflower on Brown Basmati Rice

Small Group Training with Misty


Breakfast - Banana wrap,
Lunch - Trenton - who knows
Dinner - Trenton
( I will eat in moderation what is offered at the event I am attending)

Sunday - Festival Day

Breakfast - a bowl of nerves LOL -

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I confess

Last night I came home exhausted, two back to back power classes along with a long day of admin type stuff. After a very hot shower the thought popped into my mind I will just eat a few potato chips...if 1/2 a bag is a few...that's all I ate.

a little binge of sorts last night.

I woke up today in a bad mood, not sure what happened I slept great, my huband walked out of the bedroom this morning and I was mad at him for no reason, I rushed to work today in my dark mood just so I wouldn't open my mouth...just one of those days...the afternoon was very stressful, lots of back and forth with people who were not doing things my mood got club saved the day...I ran all that stress away and am now tired and heading to bed...still in a bit of a bad mood but I managed today to not say anything I might regret tomorrow.

Thank god I didn't act on the many thoughts I had today while in my bad mood.


Breakfast - brwon rice wrap, peanut butter, banana
Snack - Protien Bar
1/2 pita with light cheese and geneoa salami, apple
Dinner 3 ox trout, sweet potoato frie, apple
Snack cheese string, light hot chocolate.

Monday, September 14, 2009


After a weekend of yoga I feel great, I taught 108 basic postures with some variations on some of them....muscles I haven't used in a while are saying thank makes your body feel so good you love your body....this morning when I stood naked in front of the mirror I loved what I the naked thing is something I do every day no matter what....part of my body issues are that I am critical of my body and looks...weight doesn't seem to be a huge factor in this..I have hated my body just as much when it was thin as when it wasn' now I stand naked in front of the mirror every day and try to love the person looking back...I am not ready to wear a bikini on Oprah or anything like that but I have made a ton of progress on the acceptance part.... I have even gotten to the stage where I see I have some great body parts....I can sometimes say you are a hot momma...not always though....but I do it because loving your body is so my body loves me...for releasing tons of tension and fear.

Yesterday I did a great handstand my first one since having Vertigo...I was a little nervous but knew I was ready...I have always been great a pushing past up I went and I felt like I was flying.....I was grateful that I could experience this release of fear...

Menu Today

Breakfast -Brown Rice wrap, peanut butter, 1/2 banana, milk
Lunch -
Snack - plums protien shake
Dinner - veggie chilli on brown basmati rice....

I am very tired today I worked all week, taught a course on the weekend and have to teach Power Pilates and Power Yoga tonight, so I plan on napping and doing some gentle yoga...practicing Ahimsa to my body today.....

Sunday, September 13, 2009

My Husband is a Junkie

As I sit here and type I am being stared down by a 2 bite brownie, in the drawer of the desk is a chocolate bar, throughout my house there are stashes of husband is a chocolate/sugar Junkie, he hides his "stuff" because our boarder is also a sugar Junkie, so not wanting to share and find he has none my husband hides his sweets. Apple pies in the microwave, candies in his under pant drawer...and so on. I too like sugar, I find eating it soothing, I however prefer not to eat it because one leads to 2 and so on, as well I hate the sugar dump a few hours later, much like a hangover that feeling of being tired and wanting more to boost yourself. It is not that I don't eat sugar I am just careful as to how much I eat and when I eat it. As a yoga instructor and runner, having sugar dumps can dramatically affect my work performance so I avoid sugar. that said there are times it calls my name and I have to be strong and get out of hearing distance...LOL having sugar stashed around the house makes this a little hard.

This weekend I am teaching a 16 hour course busy days


Breakfast - Ezekial Raisin toast, hazelnut butter and sugar free jam
Lunch - Hot Dog at the Festival
Snack - protein shake
Dinner - Chicken on Pita, lots of veggies in this.
Snack - Brown Rice wrap, with sugar free jam.

Ran 4.5 k taught 7 hours of yoga....body feels great today....

Menu Today


Hazelnut Butter, sugar free jam on raisin toast, I wrote it backward to make it seem different.
Lunch - Salad with tuna, feta, sliced cucumbers, and cherry tomatoes...making up for my lack of veggies the last couple of days.
Snack - Protein Shake
Dinner - Not sure may be going out with my Dad...

Friday, September 11, 2009


I am home finally sitting at my computer, what a long day, a good day but one that never seemed to end. I started out a with a meet and greet with a new family doctor, what a relief to have found one I have been looking for almost 2 years, it will be my first female doctor and I am looking forward to finally have some consistent health care. From there I drove to T.O. for lunch with a friend, it was great, more sushi and then an unexpected visit with my Dad, I dropped in to use his I do that sometimes if I am in your neighborhood and have to use the washroom...I call from my cell....and from there right up to Brooklin for Small Group Training where Misty brutalized us with an evil card game, that somehow makes her look innocent. Home to Frank who is sick and ahhh some cereal...some blogging.

Menu Today

Toast with Hazelnut Butter and Sugar Free Jam
Lunch - Sushi Rolls
Dinner - Turkey and cheese sandwich on whole wheat a bit of mayo
Snack - cereal with skimmed milk,1 x 2 bite brownie

Yikes no veggies today....did eat 2 plums

off the arms are to weak to type...

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Okay so I am down 3lbs, not bad considering....being sick and very tired....I have cut out a few of my snacks...on some days.

Today I am going to have a date with Rodney Yee....and then I run with the Lululemon run club tonight..

Nothing exciting happening in my day today...I have a conference call with a Software Developer...which could work out well for my pocket book in the long term and some promotion to do online for various activities.

Today Menu

Ezekiel Raisin Toast, sugar free jam, hazelnut butter


Veggie Chili on Baby Romaine lettuce with low fat sour cream and just a bit of grated adaption of Katie's lunch yesterday.

Snack - protein shake

Dinner - still need to do that grocery shopping, yikes...maybe flattened chicken with sweet potato fries (baked) and a salad...some plums for dessert.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I have a date

I had a great run last but just one of those on nights...after running I went for a latte, the one I didn't have earlier.

Today I am heading out for lunch with a friend his treat...sushi of course...what else....but he asked me. I am having lunch with my Real estate Agent/old boyfriend.....I mention that he is an old boyfriend just to sound intriguing, he is a great guy we started dating 30 years ago....holy cow, that really makes me sound old...I met him the summer before grade 13...and we dated for 7 years or so...give or take about 15 breakups..

I was a horrible girlfriend (at times), young and never ready to settle down...he tried hard to settle me down but finally gave up.

I used to help him train for the Argo's he liked to run in the Beaches and I would cycle beside him smoking cigarettes LOL.

Last night Frank and I talked a bit about old flames and ex's and while he has some regrets, I actually have none, I can easily look back and say....I was a kid, not ready and anyways I wouldn't want to be married to this guy today. Years ago I apologized for my bad behaviour, while dating him, and today I enjoy his friendship with no regrets...he has a great wife and kids and is happy in his life. I like our history together it is nice to connect with someone you have known for so long there is something special about how you can talk about today and then slip into the past and compare. I think the longer you have friends the more they have accpeted the real you...

Breakfast - go lean crunch with skim milk
no snack
Sushi - I will be careful, not all you can eat.
no snack
Dinner - Greek Salad, not sure what meat, I am grocery shopping today.

Have a great day.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The week wrapped up

So how was the week ? Good in a sense, no weight loss but some things I did much better....

I drank more water - still need to work on this
I got a few good runs in

I think I just ate too much this week and cut a few corners for example, I had 2 desserts and didn't eat enough veggies...

Yesterday I felt crappy, after having a a really good day I was dizzy for awhile, today is okay.

Last night I did a Rodney Yee DVD - Power Yoga for strength, it was great, lots of funky arm balances I can't do, but want to do, so I am going to do that DVD 2 or 3 times a week. Rodney is not bad to look at either... LOL (not very yoga like to mention this) so it makes for a Rodney and Sheree date. Many of my yoga friends have Rodney dates....I usually date Baron Baptiste (google him to see why)...hahaha...but couldn't find one of his DVD's last night.

So today I am running twice, 3k this morinng after class and 4.5k tonight with run club...I am planning tons of water......

Breakfast - Ezekial wrap iwth 1/2 banana and hazelnut butter
Snack - Latte with skim milk
Lunch - Salad with feta and tuna -
Snack - protien shake
Dinner - Chicken, brown pasta, left over corn or roasted cauliflower.

Sunday, September 6, 2009


So my plan for Monday

Breakfast, fried egg, one slide of toasted rye bread, glass of skim milk.
Snack - small Banana.
Lunch - Bean Salad, on Brown rice, 1/4 cup of the potato salad made with light mayo, some carrot sticks.
Snack - One brown rice cake with light cream cheese
Dinner - 1/2 a steamed red potato, 4 oz tenderloin, 1 corn (bit of butter)
Dessert - apple crisp with ice cream...very good, home made crisp made by my daughter

I may run 3k or I may do some Hot yoga, I bought some new equipment for the studio and want to test it. If I can get a few friends to come over I may do a class just to work on the sequencing and the heating.

So it is off to bed...I feel awesome all back to normal and am looking forward to the week ahead and spending some time working out..

I am a running goddess....of the lower goddess sort

So today I started my plan......I am still on holidays, and have tons of time....I am trying really hard not to work on some courses just rest my mind, body and soul.

Friday I stocked up on some great veggies from Strouds and today enjoyed them.

Breakfast - one fried egg, a bit of fried potato's and onions, this is one of my husbands fav breakfasts.
Snack - small banana, in a protein shake
Ran - 5 or 6k and hopped up a flight of stairs 8 times, until my heart tried to jump out of my mouth.
Lunch - Turkey on Rye, a bit of potato salad made with light mayo, carrot sticks.
Dinner - one potato, one cob of corn (no butter) 3 oz of beef tenderloin.
Okay so I had potato at every meal, but probably only ate 2 potato's in total.
Ran 3k tempo run, no walk breaks
Snack - 1/2 banana, with some peanut butter in an Ezekial wrap....

My husband likes to eat and when I am home I like to cook so we make good partners....yesterday and today I made all his meals and so therefore he really likes me, in fact he actually picked me a rose and gave it to me, it is the first rose he has every given to me, stolen as it week when I am working again and he is eating canned pork and beans, he will probably want the rose back LOL.......

So today I ran twice, part of the plan. The first run was tough, it was mid day and hot.....some cyclist rode by me and told me to get a bike...hahaha I probably looked half dead....I told him I wasn't old enough yet to become a cyclist, he had no response.....I ran in my black jog bra.....I just had to take my top off....big old belly flopping but what the heck...I ran through some sprinklers then I had this great idea...there are 8 cement steps leading up to the treatment centre in Brooklin I thought I would run up and down them but that was too easy, so I decided to hop up and down them, Misty would be proud, she knows I hate hopping. so there I am in the brutal sun, in my jog bra, hopping up these stairs... I will be 49 in 2 weeks, so I thought to myself....I must be a goddess of the lower type, in the Hindu religion there are higher and lower gods or I could be an old fool trying to hold on to her youth... Old fool or lower goddess ?

My second run was great, it was dark, I love love love running at night, it is how I started running, at night, so no one would see me....I love the coolness, the dark and my energy is higher in the night...I am not a morning person. I had hoped to run 4k but the toilet called my name...I managed 3k and a then a run up the stairs to the staff washroom.....just in time.

Friday, September 4, 2009

I have a plan

I have needed to regroup a lot the last couple of days, but the good thing is that I knew I needed regrouping and I didn't need food to sooth me. The same part of your brain that controls your emotions controls your appetitie, so this week was great from that point of view.

I am behind on my weight loss but that is okay I have a plan in place, being sick has been a set back....but the plan should recoup....I am not too much into cutting back on my food, maybe a snack here and there, the reason is my metalbolism is great right now, I no longer bounce up on the scales every time I eat late at night or eat a ilttle more.

Last months Runners world had a weight loss plan for runners and I am going to follow it, it involves running twice some days.....I will post it later but part of my plan will be to run twice 3 days a week, not super far and maybe to add a Misty workout.

Tomorrow I am running then heading to see my Dad, there is a pot luck party at his trailer park I will eat a few things in moderation.

Breakfast - raisin toast, and peanut better
Snack - Large Latte
Lunch - Brown Rice 1/2 cup, Bean Salad, small bun, cherry tomatos
Snack - plums
Dinner - Potluck

A new day

Okay so I slept 10 hours last little catch up sleep always puts me on the right path.....I hate to admit, I just put the coffee grand kids are on their way over for a swim, so I will enjoy coffee, watching them swim and the great day.....I think we are still babysitting, our boarder is sleeping and his daughter is roaming the house restless...our boarder is a great guy....helpful, very giving, he cuts grass, fixes cars really does anything he can. Yet I still feel a little upset that on my vacation, the first one since Christmas, I am entertaining his daughter....I raised my kids....spent tons of time with them and now really enjoy the fact that they are grown up and we do fun things like eat sushi and go to Ikea. Hopefully my grand kids show up soon so she has a diversion....she is a really cute little girl....maybe I need to regroup to my office couch again....hate to sound selfish...

Tonight is small group training, thank body feels like jello after 4 weeks with out doing it....Misty have mercy on my body......

What shall I eat today, I have tons of meat from Cotsco and will take a trip to the market for veggies. I had to recently stop going to my favorite fruit and veggie market because the owner flirts with me so bad I feel cornered, last time I shopped there he was hand feeding me raspberries as he told me how great I looked and some other banal stuff.

Breakfast, hazelnut butter, Ezekiel Wrap, raspberries
Lunch - salad, tuna, bit of grated cheese, beans, yogurt dressing, 1/4 wedge of whole wheat pita
Snack - granola bar,
Dinner - Pork Ribs, corn, brown basmati rice.

Have an awesome long weekend......

Thursday, September 3, 2009

I am alone.......................................

After a long but really good day with my daughter that included lunch, a trip to Costco, Ikea and a long drive home in rush hour traffic, I was pooped....I had some dizzy spells today so opted to let my daughter drive....she has far less patience than I do, so it made for an interesting trip. She is great and I loved my time with her, we were buying stuff for her new place....sharing in her excitement made for a really good experience, while I would prefer for her to live at home, that is not the choice she has made, so I am now accepting her choice and being part of it, in whatever way I can be.

I came home to a full house, the boarder, his daughter and Frank, all in the Kitchen talking, while normally I love being around people, today was not one of those days....when I was told we were babysitting the boarders daughter......when my boarder shoved $20.00 in his daughters hand and told her to take us to Dairy Queen, I wanted to leap at his throat. Not very y0ga like words entered my mind. In no way was driving into the city on my radar all situations like this I have learned to breath and relax.....I had to retreat to my office couch for regrouping...I wanted to come home lie on my couch be and be alone as I knew my husband was going out.....but I have also learned that verbalizing quickly to situations can cause harm.....

I came out my office just as my husband was getting ready to go out and...he was taking the boarders daughter with him, yahoo, no babysitting, no Dairy Queen.

I ate a quiet meal with my dogs at my feet, in my peaceful back yard...funny how when you don't react things seem to work out.

So I am alone, rested again and enjoying the memories of time well spent with my daughter...

I am on Holidays

Thursday morning I have taught my last class and am now on holidays officially until 8:00 Tuesday night and I have cancelled all my daytime classes for next week....ahhhh, naps.....time with family and a chance to regroup......This year has been amazing in some ways and one of the most stressful years I have had....I worked hard and wrote a course (10 weekend course) that was recently approved by the Yoga Alliance, I taught the course for the first time and am now in the process of writing a second course this one is only 3 weekends, so whew...a lot less work. I also am in the process of studying to teach a Can-Fit-Pro Course, so my nose is in books constantly.....I love to read but am now getting the point where books make me this vacation is really needed.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

One of my favorites Authors is Osho, a Yogi and one who is very non traditional.....I have now read 6 of his books and am about to start rereading them.... my husband is now reading Osho...which is amazing because Frank is way more conservative then me and he is loving these books, Frank never ceases to amaze me in the leaps and bounds he will suddenly take in his spiritual life....he has an open mind "for his age" LOL. When I met him he was so conservative I called him Ward Cleaver until he got mad at me, so I had to stop. Today he has turned his thinking around so much, soon he starts school again which will I am sure change him even further...hope I can keep up.

Menu Today

Breakfast - Banana Wrap with Hazenut Butter and Ezekial Wrap
Snack - Protein Shake
Lunch - not sure, my daughter has invited me to lunch....her treat
No After noon snack- trip to Ikea with my daughter and a coffee there
Dinner - BBQ Chicken, steamed brocolli, salad with a bit of grated cheese.....