Thursday, September 3, 2009

I am alone.......................................

After a long but really good day with my daughter that included lunch, a trip to Costco, Ikea and a long drive home in rush hour traffic, I was pooped....I had some dizzy spells today so opted to let my daughter drive....she has far less patience than I do, so it made for an interesting trip. She is great and I loved my time with her, we were buying stuff for her new place....sharing in her excitement made for a really good experience, while I would prefer for her to live at home, that is not the choice she has made, so I am now accepting her choice and being part of it, in whatever way I can be.

I came home to a full house, the boarder, his daughter and Frank, all in the Kitchen talking, while normally I love being around people, today was not one of those days....when I was told we were babysitting the boarders daughter......when my boarder shoved $20.00 in his daughters hand and told her to take us to Dairy Queen, I wanted to leap at his throat. Not very y0ga like words entered my mind. In no way was driving into the city on my radar all situations like this I have learned to breath and relax.....I had to retreat to my office couch for regrouping...I wanted to come home lie on my couch be and be alone as I knew my husband was going out.....but I have also learned that verbalizing quickly to situations can cause harm.....

I came out my office just as my husband was getting ready to go out and...he was taking the boarders daughter with him, yahoo, no babysitting, no Dairy Queen.

I ate a quiet meal with my dogs at my feet, in my peaceful back yard...funny how when you don't react things seem to work out.

So I am alone, rested again and enjoying the memories of time well spent with my daughter...

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