Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Last Nights Run

I am a runner, I have been for years, sometimes I have run a lot other times I run just a bit, in the 12 years I have been running I have never missed more than maybe 2 weeks.

I used to run 1/2 marathons, and then when I got busy with my business I scaled back to shorter matter what, I ran once a week just to keep my body connected with running...last spring I decided to run more again....I needed it back in my life..... running makes me feel young and alive (generally).

Unfortunately it wasn't as easily done as I thought, my weight was up from not running, I had Adrenal Fatigue which made for some very tired getting back into running has been quite a struggle...I think it has helped my adrenal fatigue and definitely it has contributed to my almost 20lb weight loss...

I must say as always the rewards come after the investment. For the last 6 months running has been a forced discipline, trying to get back what I had was hard...especially since the vertigo in August. Since August I had a couple of colds, some SI joint pain, and of course a hugely busy season at the studio.

I wondered if I was every going to feel that sense of freedom I even wondered if maybe it was time to give running up and move on...I am 49 and feeling some of the affects of aging.

It is back...... the last couple of weeks my running has been amazing...the old sense of freedom has returned.

I run for me and I run for the connection it gives me...last year I read 5 books by his Meditation book Osho wrote that running is one of the best forms of meditation, it raises your vibrational level and is rhythmic and calming...runners experience a connection with the universe..or what Osho calls the 4th dimension....sometimes they don't even know it, I have had tons or really neat experiences while running.

Last night was one of them...the full moon, the cool air made for the perfect running night, I could have run for ever....I felt alive...most of all it was the company running with a couple of neat women who are really starting realise the power of running on their soul....over the years I have taugth hundreds of women how to run..I love it...I love their stories, I love the power it seems to give them...I believe that running for many is healing, that Samskaras are released and that leads us one step closer to freedom...if you stick it out.

Cori Ann is one of those people, she shared her story last week of having Type One Diabetes since childhood and how that affected her as she was growing up...the fears and restrictions a disease can put in your life....last night she ran strong, having battled blood sugar issues in the beginning and the mental discipline it takes to get out the door, she had a great run...faster then her last 5k and matter what happens with her running she will never be the same again...

I am grateful to have had the opportunity share last night with Cori Ann.

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh that's fabulous! I like running with Cori-Ann and I'm so proud of her accomplishments.

    I'm also very happy that your running mojo is back. Thanks to you and Misty for introducing me to my passion for running.
