I was limping up my stairs Saturday night thinking YIKES, I can barely walk and I am running 5k in the morning, my mind was thinking how do I get myself out of this race.....luckily I had committed to meeting my friend Kyla, because there is no way I would have done it without her.
I took some Tylenol and went to bed with my lavender heated thingy on my still slight sprained intercostal muscles and tossed and turned all night.
At 6:00am I dragged my sorry butt out of bed thinking there was no way...I would be able to run today. Not the most positive attitude to start your day with. I slowly prepared for the race, 2 glasses of water, coffee, food, a visit to the bathroom, I had picked out my clothes the night before just in case....I grumbled to my husband who thinks I am nuts anyways....and therefore confirmed it one more time....and off I went to meet Kyla, still drinking coffee.
Kyla was in slightly better shape then I was, having done 2 bootcamps like I had, she did only one, her limp was slightly less.
So the race....it was great....I ran slow...and soon the pain subsided....it was hard... lack of sleep and being sore had its affects...but what affected me more was the amazing energy of the event....the power of people gathered for a common cause is unbelievable, I was there maybe 3 mintues before I started to get tears in my eyes, running beside children who had lost their moms, or moms who had lsot their daughters, or men who had lost their wives.
Cancer has not struck our family and for that I am grateful....the courage needed to fight that disease must be mindblowing, my friend Kyla has had cancer and lost her father to it so being at the event with her was powerful.
I am grateful one more time that I pushed beyond the fluctuations of my mind and put myself out there in the world on the side of the picture being painted.
Monday's I dust, do laundry and a little cooking for the week, I plan on making Channa Masala , Veggie chili and roasting a stuffed chicken breast. As usual I have a busy week so cooking today will save me tons of money and ensure I eat well.
Menu for the day.
Pear, egg, toast
Channa Masala (chick peas and spinach, cauliflower in masala), brown rice
Dinner - veggie chili
Snacks - not sure if I will have them today.
good for you....i would be crying too - glad to hear you had a great race :)