This is my man.... it is exactly what he looks like,
I look at his face in this picture and just know he is deep in thought, worrying about this or that.
He is complicated, and deep, there are layers to who he is. He can be stubborn at times. At times even dark. And at other times he is the kindest person I know. I guess we are all layered like he is.
I find him handsome, I always have. I have loved him practically from the day I met him, I kept waiting for him to love me too. I wondered if he would ever love me the way I loved him. This past year he has become very kind and gentle with me. I guess this was a deeper layer he was waiting to show.
The story I love to tell about him is this one.
One night we were at a church meeting. At that event was a guy named Reg. Reg would come and go, he struggled in life, he was dirty and looked like he slept on the streets. Reg usually showed up when he need some money, I always gave him what I could, why not. Then I would get in the car and find out my husband had given him money too. We would laugh at how he got us both.
But this night Reg started to cough, cough like he was about to spit out his lungs.
You know the kind of cough that makes people turn away. A murmur ran through the crowd. Just then, with out saying a word, my man got up and went to the back of the room, I thought he must be going to the washroom.
Where he went was....... to get Reg a glass of water.
This is the kind of man he is, deep, caring and full of compassion for his fellow man. I think this shows in his face. He is first a man, then a father of 5, a grandfather, a stepfather to one, a friend and a husband.
He would say I am his soul mate because I drive him nuts, a soul mate is not the one you sit passively with holding hands in peace. A soul mate can push your buttons, rub your raw edges of and more.
I think he will miss me while I am gone, but I know for sure I will miss him.
Ah what a great story! I'm so happy to be getting the chance to know you two.