I am craving some running today...I woke up and it was the first thing on my mind, getting outdoors and blowing off tension. Craving a run is a good thing, it means to me that I have my mojo back. Dreading a run...hmmm now so good, craving a run...makes the time out there easier.
All week long I have been having little fights with my husband. They are those unresolved kind, which to me it is like sweeping dust under the rug, still there, something that will have to be dealt with sometime. I feel a low grade resentment building, which for me is a bad thing. I try very hard to work through these things before they manifest into something big.
Running will help me sort out the stuff in my mind, am I being difficult ? Am I unappreciative as my husband claims me to be ?
Many people think runners are running from something but for me I seem to run toward something, an answer, some clear insights, peace. Running is not an escape it actually forces you to deal with life.
Over the years I have had major insights into my character while running, sometimes I am shown the good in me sometimes not. Sometimes I run purposely to explore these things.
This is what I do when I am on a "sorting out" run before I set out I set the intention of the run..such as "I need to work through the root cause of these little fights with my husband"...I ask the universe for clarity.. I then head out for the run..the steady rhythm of my feet hitting the pavement and my breathing lulls me into a quiet place, thoughts float in and out but don't seem to stay...generally something will pop into my head that will be the truth....something perhaps I was hiding from myself. I do not run with an Ipod when I am sorting out.
Osho a very famous yogi, who has passed on, claims in his book on meditation that running is one of the best forms of meditation, in fact, he writes that runners without knowing it reach a 4th level, I know I have reached this place, it is a peaceful place where the colours are vibrant and the sounds are so clear. I don't reach that place every time, but once in awhile I get a glimpse into a place so serene.
So craving a run may just be need to sort out my monkey mind one more time.
I am sore from my workouts last week still...hmmm mostly I did yoga last week with just 3 runs around 4 to 5k, yoga can be such a workout.
This week though I am on for some great cardio.
Today - cycling 25 to 40k, 4K run with run club
Tomorrow - Trail running, first with Jocelyn to mark out the trail then 4 to 5k with my beginners group.
Thursday - no running
Friday or Sunday 15k..running
Saturday 4k with group.
I will also do yoga at least twice by myself, probably Thursday..and Saturday.
Sunday is my first full day off in several weeks so I am going to try to get tickets to The Jersey Boys for Frank and I.
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