I love to run, I run for the health benefits and for the mental benefits. A long slow run on a great day, can bring a sense of peace to me as I feel stress melt away it is similar to how yoga affects me.
If your life is without stress you probably need to live it a little more, stress affects us all.
Another thing I love about running is the people I have run with over the years, I have had great talks with people.
This year I met Katie. Katie is the Martha Stewart of Whitby, she is quite talented in that area. Every woman would want to marry Katie although I don't think I would want my husband to know about her he might want me to raise the bar a bit LOL.
Running with Katie is great, she is postive, gives honest but kind feedback and soon it doesn't seem like we are running at all, just a couple of friends sharing life. Katie is a good soul who always try to look for the positive in a situation, even when it is not sooo easy.
This is union, the goal of yoga is to be real and feel that connection with yourself, your community, your world and a power greater than yourself.
So running is for me a spiritual exercise as it seems to lift the clouds of doubt that seperate me, and has brought amazing friends like Katie into my life.
Food Today
Breakfast - egg white omelette, with a bit of grated cheese and salsa, one slice of ezekial bread with honey.
Snack - orange
Lunch - 1 cup brown rice, 1 cup veggie chilli
Snack - apple, nut butter
Dinner - Greek Salad
Ah man, those are the nicest things anyone has ever said about me (at least where I could over hear them). Thank you. I'd marry you in a heart beat too, but since that would be illegal (since I'm already married and will likely remain, as such)lets just be committed running partners *wink*