Wednesday I suffered from an exercise hangover, it was the result of spinning and running in the same day for the first time in a month....whew Wednesday felt like it would never be bedtime.
As always though when I push myself physically I may suffer the day after but the day after that, look out I feel great, strong, tall and ready to go.
Last night I taught a great Pilates class with resistance bands, I practiced beforehand and today my ABS feel like million bucks. My momentary worry over the Buddha belly seems like nonsense now. After just a few days of good eating and personal exercise and I don't seem to care.
Today while I was cooking lunch I realized that I am a little slothful....it may surprise some people because I work hard and always have, I work out and all that...but I can be real lazy at times, that is what leads to poor eating habits for me, lack of planning, lack of keeping healthy food in the house and just plain lack of wanting to prepare something good.
Today I had this great egg while omelet with organic spinach and red peppers, some light feta and a toasted Ezekiel wrap, it was great, satisfying, really tasty and will give me good energy for the day. All in all it took about 15 mins to prepare, at first I thought nah, I will just grab something quick, but the new non-slothful Sheree convinced the old slothful Sheree to prepare this meal and was I ever glad I took the time.
I think it has been lack of discipline that I picked up over Christmas holidays, staying up late, being tired, grabbing quick foods and having just a little more. The Buddha belly was the kick I needed to get back on track.
Every time I look at the picture of the sloth, I laugh that is exactly how I feel like crossing the finish line in almost every race I have entered. It takes all my energy and pride to stay upright and smiling at the end of a race.
food today
Ezekiel wrap with peanut butter and a banana
Toasted Ezekiel wrap with an egg white omelet, spinach, red peppers, light feta.
Snack - protein shake, water and peaches
Dinner - not sure will plan it on my run
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