Monday, May 24, 2010

I Made It

I made it to my first full day off in a couple of weeks...I am sitting at my computer drinking coffee in my pj's. The last couple of weeks have been full, too full.

I found out a couple of things about myself, one is that last week I just started to get bitchy...being too busy made me stressed and impatient inside...I managed to hide most of it but I really really heard this inside voice loud and clear. I remember always feeling this way so it was a real remember when.

Plus, I ate junkier food, simply because I didn't make the time to grocery is so easy to reach for unhealthy food when you are busy and tired.

I did make time for some personal exercise, which was good, aside from running 3 times with the Run Club I ran with Misty on Friday and cycled with her on Tuesday. These moments were probably my saving grace...a time to clear my head and work off the junkier food.

I also got enough sleep...I went to bed between 10 and 11 each night, I know that sleep is a big factor for me....if you combine stress, bad food, feeling bitchy, with no sleep...I am not sure what kind of red headed monster would have been released.

So I would say that when under stress my weakness is eating properly and maintaining my patience.

I ended the week with the perfect day....our run club ran their graduation run and I went down to shoot some pictures and cheer them was great being a spectator, I got sooo excited when I would see one of our runners or perhaps an old acquittance's from my Running Room days.

We had a celebration lunch at a local Mexican restaurant...and I then I forced myself to go grocery shopping for the fruits and veggies, even though I was exhausted.

For the end of a perfect day we rented Tooth Fairy and borrowed 3 of our grandchildren for the night, Frank picked up our daughter Lori and we ate pop corn and just hung around.
It was the perfect night. the movie was really good, the kids were amazing and Lori is just a great energy to be around. I felt so grateful to be a part of the MacKinnon family.

Tonight is also about family....we are taking our youngest son Jacob and our daughter Margaux with their respective partners out for Sushi.....just writing about spending time with our kids makes my eyes tear up.

When I was young I made choices, one of those choices was to only have one child, at the time it was the right choice, but years later I was blessed with 5 step kids and they have brought so much into my life...but that would be another whole blog....

Today is about laundry, cleaning bathrooms and a short run by myself.....oh and maybe a walk with the dogs and Frank.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Am I a Creeper

I have written before that I really enjoy my female friends, I am fiercely loyal and not a gossip. So today when I found myself stalking a guy for my friend I will call Madame X...I wondered am I a creeper or a good friend.

Some background.....a very handsome man came into my studio, now this is a rarity....he appears to be a good looking single man walked into a room full of women...he stood out. I was probably not the only womenn wishing she had a little lipstick in her yoga pants.

But I am married so looking is as far as I go....but I did enjoy Madame X chatting this guy up, laughing and smiling and all that stuff.

I thought to myself what a great match....alas Mr. hot and single has not returned we have waited and watched but he has been a no show...but he hangs out at Starbucks on occasion. So today I decided I needed a latte and headed out in search of this first experience stalking and it was not even for me..does make me creepy to if I stalk for a friend ? Or am I just being a great friend.

How many lattes is it reasonable to drink on behalf or my friend ? And, should she be chipping in for their cost ? But most of all does this make me a creeper ?

Monday, May 10, 2010

Today is the beginning of some busy times...the next 2 weekends are booked which on top of my regular schedule makes for one busy yogini. I hope to be able to maintain some time for me and not just get through these next 2 weeks but to enjoy each day.

In preparation for the next 2 weeks I spent the weekend with my husband, we celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary and enjoyed tons of time together doing things we like to do, like eating great food, shopping and more. In fact last week I told my husband that this weekend was sacred that we needed the time together so not to make plans. He agreed and what a great time we had.

My husband loves to shop, way more than I do, he loves art, and things for the home. Yesterday we wandered through the shops in Port Perry for the afternoon.

I have found that when my schedule gets heavy like this I have to really just focus on the day...what has to be done today...what doesn't...don't worry about the busy weekend...just stay in the day...this really helps. I have also been very very careful not to forget about my personal workouts, I will still cycle at least once and do some yoga...these are the things that help me stay sane and fit.

I have 2 yoga classes planned as well as a cycles, combined with run club and the bits and pieces I get from teaching I should have a full week.

I won't be blogging much as I plan to rewrite and update a I must focus.

Many of you don't know that I used to be in Marketing I ran a small company for years, I still have a client and that client has awarded me a large print and direct mail project (maybe 2) that is big and will, if all goes well, run for 5 years. So this week I will be putting on "real shoes"..LOL and a suit and heading back into corporate Toronto.

I love the corporate world when I have the choice of being there or not, otherwise the thinking in corporate world makes me have to breath (alot) as many companies are built on principles of the armed forces and expect employees to think a certain way, and people buy into the thinking out of fear of financial problems. It is often only when you step away that you can see this fear based thinking.

But I love this client she is amazing and has been a client for 10 years, she is fair, smart and great to work with.

My weight is amazing I have lost over 20lbs now, my stomach is toned and I feel great, I have been sleeping and eating well and I hope to be able to maintain this over the next little while. As good sleep and quality food always make me feel better.

Last week I cycled 24k, ran twice, did 2 yoga classes and taught....a slow week LOL.

Monday, May 3, 2010

To be a Yogini or to not be a Yogini

Recently a major hot yoga franchise opened about a block or so from my studio, I have known for a while that there were coming.

In the U.S. major chains are wiping out the small owner operated type studios, so there is definitely a need be be smart and stay focused.

Yoga would teach us abundance for all so I choose to believe that if I run my studio as a business and serve my customers well, I should be okay. I also work very hard at bringing new ideas to my studio.

I am a highly trained teacher, I love what I do and I hope to be around for a long time, if this is what the universe has planned for me. But I am open to change, I am not without the realization that I need to allow myself to change, if the fact that we now have 3 yoga studios within 2 blocks in a small community of around 8,0000 starts to affect my business, I need to make decsions that protect me and my family.

Yoga would teach us that change is inevitable, like a flowing river we will always be changing, to stay the same is really to become stagnant. Picture yourself with the same hairstyle for 40 years, or the same knowledge and thought patterns.

Yesterday while sitting at my reception desk, in walk 3 young girls, at first they don't look at me, then they say hi and ask for some brochures...they turn their backs to me and whisper. So, I ask if they have finally steps forward to tell me they are from the new yoga studio that just opened up, while I knew that when they walked in, I had decided to wait for them to introduce themselves to me ...they asked a few questions and shared their surprise that Brooklin now has 3 yoga studios in 2 was interesting to observe their body movement and language. I am not sure why in the end they dropped in but they did.

It is in these moments that I must be a yogini, if I only teach postures in a room night after night I am a fitness instructor, which would be fine, but I have chosen to embrace yoga as a lifestyle, it is not always so easy.

They choose to begin our relationship with a lie, then the truth came out and so I sat before them in that moment breathing and waiting. I decided to show them my studio, we talked abit about yoga then they left.

I made a decision to react out of love rather than fear, I always have a choice and I choose assume this meeting was for the highest good of all. The more yoga the better, and I hope that in the end they do well, I know that things have always worked out for me in the long run.

So today I will head out on my bike to enjoy this great day, and not worry about business.

Bricking and More

Last week was full and ended with an amazing workshop on Moving out of Pain, but I have a bit of a cold, so I am now convinced that since I have been sick 3 times in 2 months...I need a short holiday before Thailand, if I wait until July, I may just continue to be sick, my goal today is to figure out a rest period for my husband and I...

So first lets discuss "bricking", the art of transitioning from Bike to Road Running....many of the people in my life would wonder why cycling would not be enough....and think that running after must be the act of an insane woman who doesn't know how to slow down.

Misty threw out the suggestion and I thought why not....lets go for it, so we cycled 20k and then ran 4k. What a hoot, my legs felt like rubber, I was laughing my head off as I hobbled along Pearle St. wondering if I would fall or stay upright....up Cassels Rd. we went I needed a bit of a walk break, not much, and then we headed up to heart was pounding...another quick walk break for me ....somewhere in my head the thought popped in to do some triceps dips, so we did 45, ran a bit more then did 45 of this combo reverse/Ab Curl that is a killer, ran a bit more and then did 45 boy push ups.....what am amazing workout... I felt like singing "I am woman hear me roar" (this song really dates me). I soaked in a hot bath that afternoon and really felt great.

Later that evening I repeated the 4k run and the workout with my beginner running group and they loved it , they were begging to do it every time.....I needed another hot bath that night.

I ran a 4k trail run on Wednesday and went to a hot yoga class with Melissa, so Thursday was a well deserved no exercise day...although I taught 4 classes.

At some point during the week Misty sent me a link to a Duathalon in early September...hmmm..I am actually free that weekend and it is just before my big 50....what a great way to mind is still thinking about it but I must say it is drawing me in...I would have to rent a bike in Thailand but that might be great way to explore.

Friday I was in the city and the idea popped into my head....I should do a yoga class while I am here....I convinced Frank that an Ashtanga Level 1 class would be okay for us and we dropped into my fav studio in The Beaches, for a class with a renowned teacher. About 15 minutes into the class, a steady stream of sweat began to pour from Franks nose unto the mat, I couldn't help but was soooo fun watching him do this class...what a great sport he is.

The class was amazing and consisted of so many jump forwards into staff and then jumping back into plank that for some reason I found it funny....I kept thinking he is not going to make us do another one is he ? But he kept it going, one more and one more. His teaching ability was amazing, subtle cues and he had just a great energy. I think at one point he was laughing at how hard it was.

I have decided to take class with him every week as part of my training. I know that this guy can teach me and take me into postures that I am just about ready to do. Plus I love the Beaches and will look forward to my Friday afternoons there. I used to ride my bike to the Beaches with friends when I was a kid, it has been one of my fav places forever.

I came home Friday just in time to teach my first Shakti Shake Class.....a flow yoga class that is fun and challenging. At one point I looked up at the young women in the class and sweat was pouring down their faces...they loved it, I was very glad that I did all the spinning, running and cycling this year so I was in good enough shape to teach that class and still give instruction's nothing worse then trying to teach a class and your voice sounds winded.... LOL...

While all this activity may make me sounds hard core or Type A, I am not...I spent the weekend doing this very gentle therapeutic yoga course, just lying the floor breathing and moving very little and I loved it. Today I will stay in my pj's for a long time as I recover from such a full week and plan my weekend away with Frank.

One more thing, last night I was out and one of my male friends called me skinny......while this is far from where I am or would even want to be, it means that my weight loss is showing, I have had quite a few comments lately about losing weight....since weight loss is one of my goals I am pleased to hear these comments. Soon I will have Misty do my measurements.....maybe after another bricking/push up session.